Thursday, October 31, 2013

Making Love

Making Love

We are so into love, remember her name, first time you saw him, that addictive emotion you can’t get rid of, the memories that go with it, the one’s that got away, the regrets, the battles with your emotions, the times your life fell apart, the phone calls to girlfriends in the middle of the night, the panic attacks that left you feeling suicidal, and the guilt you felt, for the times you let them down, and the fear of speaking truth in case you hurt his feelings, and the descent into relationships that were never going to work out, and the long glances into the past, is it not a wonder people close their hearts to the influence of others, it’s fairly obvious, it can be soul destroying, and many play a game, men mostly, women occasionally, their only goal to cause havoc, settling old scores as they say. And we call it making love. Someone somewhere ought to address the issue before the time changes for ever.
The act of creating babies is actually the final act of loving, end of the story. Making love is creating the love we need to survive, a bit much to hear, but it ought sometime be said by somebody somewhere, cause no one seems capable of understanding what love actually is, really, hahahah, spit out the dummy, feel the throat a little, does your stomach churn, yes, love making is caring, that’s what love is, the distance you go for others, not the time you spend on yourself, pretending that you are doing something loving,. Sensual love, is the final act of pure love, but it’s not the beginning, it’s the climax of emotions that are created, that intense feeling that you can never forget, the glow in the heart, that leaves you waiting for more of that same great feeling.
Society, has changed its meaning of love, which it has passed on to children, with dire consequences unless we all change, it’s truly that simple. Women the world over have had to prostitute themselves almost, to gain the love that is due them, and as a result have given up on finding love altogether, almost. There are exceptions here, it’s not all bad news, some rural societies still value the family unit, and these societies will thrive. Sadly for many women, the production of a child is now the single most important objective they have, without a father figure too. Little Bob, or tiny mary, have been put in a very difficult position, as they get used to abnormal rearing, in so far as God Most High is concerned. Children are born this way, with a heart that requires fulfilment, the balance as they say, a love balance, that cannot be substituted,
Perhaps an over worked and exceptionally emotional stressed mother figure can manage to get the job done successfully, but there are so many losers to be seen, with society loosing mostly. But the child will always be asking, who was Daddy, and the reason I am aware of this, is through the relationship I had with a very small friend of mine, he was only one years of age, and he tried on umpteen occasions to utter the word, daddy, but couldn’t. Being his big uncle figure, it tore my heart open, and still does to this very day. He might have been born that way, but he wasn’t born with a full house as they say. Being a pal of the great spirit, I made enquiries, how this situation could be addressed. The answer was clear and direct, no bull, pure honesty. It was a question of change or bust as far as the world was concerned.
So next time, don’t thin your love, be up front with the one you assume to love, and let it grow as they say, amen.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

making love

Making Love

We are so into love, remember her name, first time you saw him, that addictive emotion you can’t get rid of, the memories that go with it, the one’s that got away, the regrets, the battles with your emotions, the times your life fell apart, the phone calls to girlfriends in the middle of the night, the panic attacks that left you feeling suicidal, and the guilt you felt, for the times you let them down, and the fear of speaking truth in case you hurt his feelings, and the descent into relationships that were never going to work out, and the long glances into the past, is it not a wonder people close their hearts to the influence of others, it’s fairly obvious, it can be soul destroying, and many play a game, men mostly, women occasionally, their only goal to cause havoc, settling old scores as they say. And we call it making love. Someone somewhere ought to address the issue before the time changes for ever.
The act of creating babies is actually the final act of loving, end of the story. Making love is creating the love we need to survive, a bit much to hear, but it ought sometime be said by somebody somewhere, cause no one seems capable of understanding what love actually is, really, hahahah, spit out the dummy, feel the throat a little, does your stomach churn, yes, love making is caring, that’s what love is, the distance you go for others, not the time you spend on yourself, pretending that you are doing something loving,. Sensual love, is the final act of pure love, but it’s not the beginning, it’s the climax of emotions that are created, that intense feeling that you can never forget, the glow in the heart, that leaves you waiting for more of that same great feeling.
Society, has changed its meaning of love, which it has passed on to children, with dire consequences unless we all change, it’s truly that simple. Women the world over have had to prostitute themselves almost, to gain the love that is due them, and as a result have given up on finding love altogether, almost. There are exceptions here, it’s not all bad news, some rural societies still value the family unit, and these societies will thrive. Sadly for many women, the production of a child is now the single most important objective they have, without a father figure too. Little Bob, or tiny mary, have been put in a very difficult position, as they get used to abnormal rearing, in so far as God Most High is concerned. Children are born this way, with a heart that requires fulfilment, the balance as they say, a love balance, that cannot be substituted,
Perhaps an over worked and exceptionally emotional stressed mother figure can manage to get the job done successfully, but there are so many losers to be seen, with society loosing mostly. But the child will always be asking, who was Daddy, and the reason I am aware of this, is through the relationship I had with a very small friend of mine, he was only one years of age, and he tried on umpteen occasions to utter the word, daddy, but couldn’t. Being his big uncle figure, it tore my heart open, and still does to this very day. He might have been born that way, but he wasn’t born with a full house as they say. Being a pal of the great spirit, I made enquiries, how this situation could be addressed. The answer was clear and direct, no bull, pure honesty. It was a question of change or bust as far as the world was concerned.
So next time, don’t thin your love, be up front with the one you assume to love, and let it grow as they say, amen.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Inside Wisdom - Part 1

Inside Wisdom

The fun and games are over, the gloves are off, and it’s time to turn up the heat on those that have withheld secrets, mostly for selfish gain and self aggrandisement, and at great cost to the entire human population. This is not a warning, but more of a revelation from wisdom herself. I happen to be a good listener that’s all, a very patient listener, but I requested of wisdom, to help me understand matters, so that others, including myself, might be able to put a spanner in the works as they say, of the wheel of evil that was spinning us all into a frenzy, and bringing us all to the edge of the abyss.
The first realisation that is important, and can’t be stressed enough, is the following.
God Most High, communicates through the heart, it’s the mirror of the soul. What lies in the heart is reflected in the soul. Why this is of such immense importance can never be stressed enough. Whatever your faith or whatever tradition you were reared in, or if you are a go it  alone type, God is always the same, has never changed one iota, his heart is sacred as they say, pure spirit. So what is new in this, well not what is new is not the issue, the question you have to understand, is the ways of the heart, and how they are interfered with. Great intentions of love and doing right, emanate from the heart, and the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. It’s the hard disc of the computer if you want to put it in perspective. And as everyone with any semblance of how a computer performs is only too well aware. When you damage the hard disc, it usually fails to perform as you wish, and more often than not, it will fail under pressure. It is why so many living souls, are afraid of damaging the heart, cause as everyone is aware, the affect of a damaged heart can lead to major hurt, even withdrawal from using it all together, or addiction related activities.
Evil spirit is the expert who pretends to fix your heart, usually with a quick fix or something similar. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


God Most High has heard it all, the excuses, the tricks, the double cross, the triple cross, the myriad if ah’s and oh,s. the omg’s, the lot, the promises, the oaths sworn and discarded, the bribery, the levels of corruption, the sleepers waiting in the grass, but he loves children, so for all the future plans, what is the manifestation of all these good thoughts?, are we seriously going to criminalize children, you over there who hides his fantasies from his wife,  .yes judge, we are aware of your interest in little ones, at least your not a cross dresser, oh. And you there looking over my shoulder , yes, you now, you require so much patience, remember the time you got caught in the woods, and they let you off, well you’ve been under their hold ever since, do I need to go on. The very select audience totally silent, what was just said total reality, they could hardly breathe. Monsignor Murphy, the only one he didn’t refer to, his throat dry, will he go back all those years he thought,

“perhaps william is right, this is a time to forgive, it that what your saying Jim?”

“but he ..”

“but what, you are willing to incur the wrath”enquired another one on the audience...

The five men in the room stopped. They’d forget themselves. Each one trying to dim their thoughts. No longer the local citizens of integrity, their secrets a little deeper, till the prophet came along.

“jim what do you suggest, you being the…”

Monsignor Murphy didn’t have time to finish his sentence.

“you all are here, because you behaved as judges, while hiding your real selves!”

So much confusion reigns, so few good decisions, there are questions, we need enlightenment, fear of love is destroying the world, and fear of wisdom will, so many children going to school, fear in their minds and hearts, pretending all is right, this Is fouling the pathways of the heart, there is no compromise, it’s change or bust, personal interests have to be put aside, this is new or nothing, God Most High is not the bargaining type, he is the responsive type, so, as they, the wisdom of Solomon is required, whatever that turns out to be….

To be continued…………….

Monday, October 21, 2013

Rule for Love - part 1

The Rule of love

Love owns nothing and no one owns love, just imagine it!, you spend your life looking for something you already have. You just have to show it, sounds too easy.
And those that you miss most, those that loved you so much it was impossible to forget. Why has the real legend, the truly great and most wonderful lover of all, never been forgotten, Jesus Christ. His message has endured everything because, it was purely love that was his reason for being, he’d no other purpose in life. He wasn’t a collector of things, he didn’t worry about tomorrow, and believed fully, in the love of his father, God Most High. He believed fully in the father, he was his child. Father’s love their children. Sometimes they over do it, but basically it’s Love that sees us through or the dream of it, that helps us push forward when times don’t seem so good. So when you love today, don’t treat it as something that belongs to you, treat it as a gift worth sharing with others. The more you share it, the more of it you will receive. And the first rule of love, is forgiveness, something we all struggle with. I was reared in a time, when Love was all that mattered, and it was played out that way, everywhere, until TV producers and others chasing the ratings, disturbed it all, and poisoned the minds of people everywhere. A time when a millionaire was an icon and a person of immense talent, a time when billionaires didn’t exist. Now I live in a time when people can’t get enough of anything, where greed has no limits, and lust has no boundaries. It sure has changed as they say. I wonder who were the people who promoted such a society. They did not have Love on the agenda or any form of social responsibility for that matter. They broke the golden rule, the only one God Most High insists we stick to. For to love you cherish it first, share it secondly, and when you put your paw into the bowl of love for more., you don’t grab it all. As someone very wise once said, you leave some for the next person, being polite I suppose and responsible at the same time. Just an opinion!.

Paddypicasso 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

Meeting with Great Spirit

I have not mentioned science once, and those in that field, who spend their entire lives trying to dissuade you from having faith in God Most High. Why are they doing this, who is paying them for this. Why do governments enact legislation that is harmful? Why was God removed from the EU constitution when so many wanted him included., as if humans came up with the great earth we all live in today. The assault on faith has been consistent persistent and rabid.
I have personally encountered the great spirit, and it’s awesome, spectacular, frightening too, rather hard to explain, but many others have had this experience too, and it’s God’s way of giving you a call. The reckoning is on as they say.  Just trust in Him, whatever, blind faith, he’ll send the helper. I can wipe the arguments made by so many who claim to insist he does not exist at all. I made it my reason for being to get to the crux of the issue, and I managed it with wisdom as my guide. I can explain in detail, if necessary, the encounter, there was more than one. All that you need to be aware of, it’s real. If you stay on the trail, you’ll see it for yourself, it is why I stress the need to endure the journey.

Destroying The Evil.

The more you really love, the weaker the evil around you. Love more and it will get out of your way.  Pope Francis is fighting for us. He is cutting down the evil influence that had surrounded the Vatican. Jesus was tempted by evil, warned us about it’s nature. So, we are in the best of company when it comes to support in this area of the trail. If you live in faith, and remind yourself every day of your faith, you will overcome evil. I pray consistently so that I may never become complacent in my faith.

You are most vulnerable, when you assume your not.

At the beginning of time, there were great miracles, and the end of time there will be assortments of great events. As these are happening more often now, the Evil spirit, is  busy trying to do as much damage as it can. By doing good we weaken this evil menace. By doing good we appeal to God Most High. By doing good, we create love. By doing good we reduce the fear of nuclear war. Nobody living, wants to see this world disappear for future generations, nobody should want it to end. I don’t want to stop learning guitar for another forty years.
Lest you forget, God has stated through the prophets, that he has reserved parts of the earth for his own people at the end of this age, I’m not forecasting doom, I’m just a human being with some more dreaming to do, and I don’t want the dream to be cut short by, zealots, extremists or evil doers intent on pushing us to destruction. So, let us get it on.
(Jesus stressed the importance to remember Him when we eat. He understood temptation better than anyone. He could have gone home early, but he chose his father’s plan for him. He also understood the weakness of humans, our need to be communal if we were to overcome).
By consigning evil to the dumpster, by loving unconditionally, we free ourselves to live fully.  This has been determined by God Most High. There will be many years and great times ahead for those who go all in, for all the right reasons. We just have to put the seal of approval on matters, and earn the respect of the great one. To me it’s a total no brainer.
As I said in earlier blogs, when the powers of darkness meet an impenetrable force, it turns on itself, and destroys itself. By being strong in love, and not cheating on love, we can achieve this, thereby appealing to God Most High and his great mercy. I met an old man before the economic crash, a very Godly old man. He came from afar. He asked me some searching questions. In a nutshell, I was led to believe we were being judged from a distance, not of this world, but far beyond. He was not lying. It’s in the eyes as they say. He left me with the impression that the human race could save itself from obscurity by changing it’s ways. Why not try a little harder as they say. Wiping out the negative influences on children is the starting point.  By the way, this old man told me not to worry, just to trust in Him, the one. Let us all trust in Him. Put a smile on the face of the master, be thankful in real time, we are all spirit.

Tips for improving the odds as they say, or ideas to mull over.

  • Forgiveness (can’t forgive can’t fully love, leaves a void)
  • Charity (22 trillion offshore, and we dump food)
  • Who are your neighbours (online world is full of them)
  • Universal Health Care (medicine isn’t business, we made it that way)
  • Marriage (main source of seeds for real love, not the hybrid)
  • Divorce ( active planning for the death of love can’t be an option)
  • Pornography (degrades women children and Love)
  • Single Global currency (no more speculation on other peoples lives)
  • Praying together more often (support)
  • mobile telephony/ children (too much influence)
  • Ban on mobile gambling worldwide ( burn the porn collection in the attic!)
  • There is nothing fundamental about decency, just not fashionable!
  • Parental influence
  • Dream love

In God I trust, that is why I am on the love trail, make it the way!

Amen, only for love and no other reason, and in gratitude for the love shown to me, and the patience of the GREAT ONE, and the patience of those who are pushing love at me. I can’t get enough of it!.

(read the real Celestine prophecies, written by the Pope of that name 800 years ago, it might give you an insight into those times and now, and wonder why he wrote them, but were too busy, well…these are his death bed comments on humanity.)

Love trails on...

Going on the love trail, is not dissimilar to mountain climbing., there are difficulties, and the higher you climb, conditions change, difficulties usually intensify. It is why so many people don’t stand up to obvious wrongs, in case they draw attention to themselves. How many great people have suffered death on account of their beliefs? In essence, it requires preparation and awareness . In our good fortune, we have the examples of others before us, of those who got a little of the way up, those that made it half way up, those who fell off the mountain, those who turned down, and those who made it all the way.
I stress this, because we often get discouraged, and there are many too often glad to see us discouraged. Resentment is rife the world over. What is said in public rarely matches the private thoughts of anyone. So learn from the experience of others, and ignore the spin of those paid to fool you.
Now that you have a grasp of the issues, it is appropriate to deal with the opposing side, the agents of evil, those actively encouraging all that is wrong, whose side are you on!


What is a good man?
Simply one whose life is useful to the world.
And a bad man is simply one whose life is harmful to others.

There are, however, those who are harmful and yet enjoy a good reputation.
Who manage to profit by a show of unselfishness,
These are the worst of all.

(From a conversation between Chang Chao and Hanchen. 15th century)

there is a time for everything, and everything changes

Thursday, October 17, 2013

on the love trail. ....

Part 3

My own journey in life, has had it’s ups and downs, and without going into great detail, I have been hot and cold when it comes to religious practice. Privately, I have always been Christian, not always publicly I suppose, as it has been with so many. I too lost my faith on account of experience, but I got born again as they say, and literally survived a few death defying moments. What is important is that I have always been aware of having a reason for being, being meaning, more than just a man who goes out to generate cash, a family and things, even if I enjoyed the pleasures of life, and will continue to do so, when the right time arrives, God willing of course

In gratitude for being given the chance to start again, and I’m forever starting again it seems, I vowed to God Most High, while recovering from an incident that nearly conveyed me to the next world hopefully, you can never assume anything when discussing the divine, but you can be assured of his mercy at all times if your in credit as they say, but I made a vow, that I have been very stubborn about, to do what is right, even when the danger to myself was great, not dissimilar to many others, who have done far more than me, I’m pretty ordinary actually. Don’t tell my mother though.

At the time of my miraculous recovery, and there were more than one, I don’t enjoy spoofing, it’s too personal, but at that time, the world was going through an economic revival of sorts, while the church, the people of God were going into distress mode, and faith in God Most High for many, was on the wane. So, in gratitude for my revival, I set about doing something in return, for the great gift given to me, a second life. Many privately, expected me to join the priesthood, or something not too far off that, I considered it myself, as I had been called as they say, and was aware of it. I chose to do it my way, is the best way of putting things, with the help of others. I did not want to be involved in a church that was drowning in political minded thought, as I saw the danger that lay in a system, where merit was decided by political association rather than doing.
Secretly, I concocted a plan, with advice from the almighty leading me, so I hoped. My friends at the time, were not really of Christian virtue, though some were. I guess the best way of putting things, or as a famous American pastor says, I did it from the prayer closet, and waited for the moment to come.
Through trials and tribulations and much more, the loss of loved ones, and the letting go of loved ones, to nearly getting married, and nearly getting shot, and many accusations laid against me, and much more, I managed to endure in faith, and in divine providence. What God Most High does best, is what any great father does, he guides you. I was not a great listener, I’m better at it now, but still learning.

What I discovered amazed me, felt awesome at times, nearly destroyed me also. Oh what a test he sets, but if you get up that hill, even half way, there is always someone on hand to help. It is that real. I’m ordinary, God Most High does not need us, we need him. But this I can assure you. If you act in faith and love through the heart, he gets interested in your progress.
Through a process of trial and error, I developed a healthy faith, made a few errors, as we all do, and began to read the old scriptures. If you are going to be pal of someone, you get interested in what is being written about them. The reason I mention all of this, is that I expect a healthy degree of scepticism and disbelief. I feel the same way when I get a tip for a racehorse.
Cutting to the chase, I got to a point in my life, when I expected my prayers to be answered, and they were, on oh so many occasions, a few times really, and always when I was in the zone. As a famous writing coach used to say, when he was giving advice on the subject of getting it on paper. When you are in a rut, you get into the zone you used to produce from , and you instinctively get into a gear you understand.
Going it alone is rarely the best option, but in times of war, and this is a spiritual war we are in here, it can be done. I am in the zone now, amen.

The Love Trail ...continues

The Love Trail

Part 2

Part 2

Why we should be concerned and very seriously concerned, with the issues raised, and in particular the rearing of children, is this. God Most High, loves children the most. Seeing children hurt on a global scale is the last straw. I have reason to believe, good reason, based on reality, to assume, it will be closing time for many, if this situation is not amended real soon. I do not wish to scare monger, but if love is the spiritual harvest of the earth, and it is, and with children being the greatest individual creators of love, many are doomed if the current situation continues. We are at a critical time, huff and puff if you want, if your rich and able to get on a spaceship, it will do you no good, curtain time will get you all as the man says, or more importantly, those who don’t have too much love credit as they say., don’t have friends in high places. But don’t give up yet, we can change the outcome, or buy some time to get the odds in our favour.

How we get the pure love spirit in us moving or how we reinvigorate that spirit that is already in us, is the mother of all questions, and it’s the solution to this dilemma, that I want to share with you. I call it the love trail. It’s the most pressing issue in the world today, and it has to be our priority. It is never too late, even at the eleventh hour, to get that feeling going. God Most High assures us of this, Jesus even told us through story, that it was never too late. Mohammed, Noah, all the prophets warned us. A day would come when the master came home, that day is getting closer. So stop worrying about stuff, get real as they say, and listen.

In the past it was through the clergy, the parental example, teachers and those with similar responsibilities, it was these people we trusted in to get us going, in that spiritual way. Today, we do it differently, some privately, some in groups, many through music, some of us not at all. One thing for sure that wont be contradicted, is that the principles of faith have not changed, society has. God Most High might use different types of messengers to inform and encourage us along, but His word is the same, it does not change.

Do you believe

The Love Trail


Part 1

The human race has fallen a long way short of the standard, to merit the positive intervention of the Divine. Some say, we have abandoned true faith in God Most High altogether, and replaced him with materialism, idol worship, and things, stuff as you call it. Faith meaning pure love, active belief, not armchair belief, but doing it. The rulers of the earth, those that currently control the fate of so many, be it through policy or the non enactment of policies that ought to be enacted, to them faith is an inconvenient truth. It’s only an opinion. But as the saying goes, you get out of the well what goes in. The heart being the well where the love is stored, is under constant stress.
When you act for the self all the time, meaning, the ego, the well dries up. You then struggle internally, and your will becomes victim to other influences. It’s why there is often a national out pouring of grief when someone of standing passes, not that it lasts. It’s why people over react during emotional and testing times, or go overboard as they say. It’s purely a release of the emotions they have been unable to deal with, cause they lost the ability to be empathic with themselves. Put another way, we have understanding of situations that need our intervention, but we shy away. We deaden ourselves a little more each time we do that. It’s why we are glad to leave it to charities to deal with the issues. It feels good that someone is doing it for us. Allows us to use the mind more freely, rather than the heart.
The heart can be smashed to pieces emotionally, while the mind can only be disturbed. It’s why soldiers going into battle zones are often medicated beforehand. They won’t cope well with all the brutality if in a normal state of mind. Why do Vietnam veterans, and so many others returning from war zones, have so many problems. We are not programmed to hurt, we are born to love, the polar opposite. The will of God Most High, is love.

 The war zone issue raises the ugly issue of child rearing in the 21st century. How many children are going to grow up mentally normal today, very few indeed, unless there is a turnaround in the direction we are heading. While we may be heading in one direction, we should be going in the very opposite direction. So much for boy bands.
I had this dream twenty years ago, so did many others, of fighting my way through the crowd as they headed one way, while I struggled in the opposite direction. They were all falling into the sea, being led blind, the exact way things are today. Pornography is mainstream, idol worship too, second homes deemed a necessity by many, while others have no homes at all, not forgetting those that starve daily, this is factual, no one can question this reality. Saving the situation should be our goal.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


The world has shrunk to the size of an email, neighbours are suddenly global, ignorance of poverty hardships perversion no longer an excuse, an attitude that lasted centuries, the abandon of human needs, is over. Technology and great advances bestows responsibility upon us all, and God Most High, the redeemer, is itching to act. So what, well it’s a little deeper than that, there is a coupon on your life, yes, we are not who we are, we are all divine, we just wear a fleshy hide, too often filled with pride and self importance, too often interested in the base, too long ignorant too often sycophants, enough cries the lord Most High, it’s time to settle all accounts, I can hear you coughing into your cereal bowl. The eyes, did you see the way all the guys trailed the ass of the young girl that just passed, starting with her legs, before you straddled her with your mind, moving on up as they say, quietly.

The gift of a billion to one, yes, every one of us was born against the odds, the Great One hoping we’d turn out as he planned. Instead, the earth, it’s foundations on the floor, the new born children and the way we all poisoned them, I’d worry if I were me or you, cause he’s coming home to gather the harvest, and I would not assume he’s going to be that impressed. So what are you going to do, rant on about the Botox operation you had, what, this is not only crazy it’s insane, well by now you have closed the page you are reading, it’s not disappointing that you did, cause all these years, it’s been sad and hard for so many little ones, who you are now trying to criminalise, for what we all allowed to happen, the fully grown children have a lot to answer for. Blame whatever but this is not going to be the Hollywood ending we all hoped, there will be gnashing of teeth and all that blurb, if the turn around isn't sudden and complete, did you start using your heart yet, so get on with it and do the impossible, start forgiving and don’t stop, you’ll raise the prospect of a very happy ending, perhaps.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Battle for the Soul

Arise and face the battle for the soul, the battle for eternal life is on in earnest, the time has come and it’s real this is not a warning, evil is on the run, desperate to hold on to the control of almost everyone, fear not, the angels of the lord are ready for the fight, the powers of the evil one are running out, hope your on the right side cause there will be only one, one destiny for those who chose the righteous course, permanent hell for those who decide unwisely. The devil and his minions are living in terror, the light has connected with us again and he has no way out, rejoice. The world over, the holy warriors have been tested to the full, they are capable and fortified and they have the resources of the One. The hold the evil doer had on so many is falling down, and justice is going to be served on him and his associated clowns, God Most High assures us of this, remain calm and don’t retreat hold firm to your believe in Him, he does not offer guilt as his weapon of choice, pure love and it’s potent power can devour everything. Oh how sad will be the many who betrayed Him, it’s no longer when it’s happening across the entire world, satan and his supporters face a very grim future, of this I am certain, I’ve seen the cloud many great sights had many warnings, amen, great prophets have told us that this day will come, it’s hear now so get up stand up and for once in your life, do the right thing, act in faith and in absolute trust, you can’t afford to have any worries or any self doubt. Your sins are forgiven so don’t hold off, don’t worry about the wrongs you did, or the errors of your past, Even Jesus was tempted he made this awareness to us in order to thwart, the plans of those who controlled the world and your mind, so rejoice and you will be free to fight. Love is the weapon of choice of God Most High, but on occasions he uses storms and tempests to set us alight, the same way any Good Father reprimands his children, amen.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Manic Street Renewal

screams, howls, gasps, amazement, wow,  the world wakes up, we have been living in a zoo, caged with our thoughts and fears, afraid to open up, case the torch is shined on you. What a blast, God Most High is freaking out, and we wonder why. Well, it's been proved beyond all reasonable doubt, the ambulance chasers are just that, the truth is leaking out, the covers are being removed, issues no one wanted to mention, is at last flowing down the street of intervention, amen, and it matters that you know. A third of all sexual crimes are committed by children themselves, the harvest of a world, that allowed the disease of celebrity to rule, and how God Most High warned us, all those years ago, the one thing he did not want us to do. Support groups clamber together, no one of them knows what to do, no pure souls among them either, they all speaking through spin doctors, just like the politicians, and how they used to control. Is there an answer to this horror, well, no one seems to have a clue, but does it really matter. Get them, get them, anyone, a sacrifice, make it look like we are trying, it worked all those years ago. Silence, can we put a muzzle on truth, tried it in communist Russia, now they are trying it all across the earth. Devil and his associated friends can't look up, afraid the light might shine on their face, parents, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, the list is long, but they all know what is going on is wrong, whacked by their own desires, well, it's nice to plead ignorant, used to be okay, but not any more, world is a changing, just like Bob said a long time ago.
Basically, you can't fill the minds of the youth, with the habits of the adult, and expect the child to forget all about it, and like it's been said, by many so many it's tiring,  you can't rear a child safely while the example is poor you know. 50% of all internet traffic is pornography, that's a lot of people to me and you, it's the reality of human behaviour, and it's been planned that we'd go that way, because, many thousands of experts warned us, many child experts lecture about it, the need to provide example, not the experience as they say. At a time when the world is in chaos, and great change is evident to all, it's time we thought how to love again, in that great old fashioned way, so what if you don't, well, I've seen the cloud and many great spectacles, and I don't need medication or such fantasy. Good day to renew your faith in all that is good, before God Most High runs out of patience, and finally says good bye.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

wonder on

Religion war, war, war, god, Christians united, Muslim, Jewish ness, the whole lot was a mess, and undermining life globally and locally for everyone who just wanted to get on. You had to be in some ones gang when it came to religion. You stood alone, you were bait. Harry had been taking notes on it all. How religion, oil, business and the media had merged. ROBM, rob’em he called it for short.
Love was not an issue known to make news. The opposite to violence and human obscenity.
Many had sung about it, written lines, tried it out even, for it has a hunger, know one person can satisfy totally, Love to be love, has to be capable of sharing, it's almost nuclear, powerful, free to use, freaky that you don’t need insurance for it, you don't need to save it even, works better when you don't, the most powerful drug of all figured harry, who’d put it all down on it, everything he believed in. Afraid of the religious order, he dealt direct with the light. With time, his thinking was well placed, he liked the idea of the anonymous prophet leader guru type, who connected with his followers through wisdom. Wasn’t sure how it would work online though. Easee peesee   was magda’s response to everything now they were almost a couple, almost. Working together was as good as they were going to be. The dam would burst one day soon she hoped. Love had other ideas, and like the wind itself, is uncontrollable. Wonder why you can't control love, well, think about it, and you might come up with the answer. Do you own the wind, the sun, the water, the air, no, but you use it every day. Well, love is like that, you just get used to it, and like everything you get close to, you take it for granted, sounds like today, the way we discard almost everything, you can't do that to love and expect the great benefactor above, to give you more. Harry wondered at all the contentious people, wondered if they ever loved anything, other than themselves, or were they denied love in the beginning, most likely. The void that has to be filled, same as the syringe in the hands of the addict. Wonder on...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

How to

religion, it has the world on the brink of extinction, the beginning was peace and quite everything looked right, then the prophets came along one by one, live together respect love wisdom and your fellow man, but no one listened so they sent the next prophet along, hoping that the intentions of wisdom would become the law and it went on and on.
it's getting hot up here said the lord God i'll send some of my top prophets with song, then along came Jesus his favorite son he'll be accepted he's always got on, the heart was not in the people no matter what he said or done, finally hung him like so many that had been sent along, and it went on but the message remained and the seed sown grew and grew, time passed everything was going good people were becoming wise, but they got together a heap of them, they created divisions among people filled the world made many despise, and it went on and on like a sad old song...
then along came Mohammed another prophet and he spoke, was kind and like Jesus a very wordy poet, a son of God the way all of us were originally intended, met interference and political disenchantment soon there were scars, and it went on and on and on, divisions turning to hatred of each other and finally war, and it went on and on and on like a long repetitive song.... the majority of religions are basically the same they all worship the same God, it's just the books they use that are different really, we are all just one happy family we just don't realize it the prophets have been saying for thousands of years...are you not all exhausted by this constant talk of war and fears

Monday, October 7, 2013

Talk to God

World of the politically minded, correct and very self righteous, self promotion and control guided truth, even  stranger, the adult habits passed to children,  war ongoing for the minds and hearts of everything human, no tactic out of mind, the evil doers scurry around, hide amongst the sheep hide from the cloud,  voids in the hearts of everyone, guilt  silence's honest thought,  pure love as rare as bees,  the world needs a friend, more than it has done in years. many have tried to make this known. 
Under fire the loving church keeps hoping,  their ranks swelled by many Judas types,  destroying  hope appeasing powerful regimes, but mother church struggles on regardless.
full strength under pressure wanes, even pure Faith under pressure weakens, too many government organized cover ups, many souls cry out for justice from cold graves, uniforms cant manage uniformed response anymore, they have been wakened by the spear of truth, and the lasting consequence of the damage they have done, fully exposed but too late to amend what was going on,  they  build higher walls, only business I hear them say, they  killed love on sight, curtailed the truth just as much, hope the expense cheque covers thirst insurance,  this is the story of the world, and it’s the legacy passed to children worldwide, fear confusion and dependency. I’ve seen the cloud, divine events, came face to face with the existence of truth, didn't always like the initial response i got, asked my conscience what was going on, found the answers and wisdom too, saw the difficulties faced when disasters occurred, many of them man made to create the emotional flood, caught the attention of divine listeners as well,  and access to the immortal and merciful God, who wondered at it all,  understood too well the evil going on, as more and more souls lost faith, it must have seemed job done,  boardrooms and young minds all praising the  idol and what they themselves might become.  God Most High  listens to petitions made in the name of the son, if only for the seeds of love to take a hold , you have the power to do all that,  turn them into babbling fools if you like, pour out your wisdom from the divine store, set fear into the hearts of the evil menace, mighty signs keep them aware check the weather forecast, don't you enjoy the apology they make when the so called experts get it wrong,,  judgment,  the suffering that awaits them, perhaps new tactics will force them to change course, the whole and only reason for life, love by birth deed example and sacrifice, what other kind of  example do you intend to pass on, numbered swiss bank account and an apartment in new york, those young evidence what is real, as they emulate the ritual going on,  and so many children suffer  the example around them, impossible almost to rear a child safely,  can mothers the world over succeed safely in the role they are charged with, but take heart if this is just too much, God Most High listens closely to the very young.
the sudden change in behaviour evidenced in the press the media, there are many new converts, a week end in bernies or a lifetime in...a total no brainer..  Pope Celestine of old, 800 odd years old and still quoted, are you sure your going to be forgotten, probably, Celestine told us it was time to speak,  the souls of the cathars believed in your order,  it’s time to get involved Dear God, and do something fast like change the world order, amen.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

where's the remote

expectations rise, he's no dickens either, just addicted to himself, God Most High watches it all from above, it looks like a loosing bet, he wonders should he discard it or just click the remote, young man stuck to the couch, jumps from channel to channel seeking rest, at last he blasts soccer news scenario, something he can talk about down in the old bar orio, great he has the latest headlines, clicks the remote and trundles on down, pints on the counter, that was a great winner for united last night, he smiles and cheers as if it means something, he's well adjusted to the crowd feels right, later he's back home, remote is soon in his hand, back to his old self trying to keep himself and his mind busy for a time
, click click girlie channel is great, God Most High has sadness all around, just saw a whole bunch of Syrian children blow up before his eyes, where's the remote!