Thursday, July 27, 2023

Free Voice Sinead O'Connor

 Brave girl, or foolish mind, her words are stones, they appear to be aimed at you, that great voice of yours, it's just that, a voice, what's in it by the way, this refuge you call a land, your hypnotic ways, there is another way, the parish hall, no one says a word, hushed afraid to speak up, just in case, you know the consequences, the amount of hidden stuff, it would wear out the oceans, and this patriotic call, why not think of mother nature, will you enjoy it all, as for those great speeches, what was it you needed to say, what is that she asks, you thought a ..well go and build it then, why tell the rest of us, the cost of it you say, more she says, the off shore account will pay for all that, and you might make a better song too, and the use of men only, is that not a cover title, what sort of guide is that, women have a womb you know, we are existing, we do many things, time to change the mindset, Snead was on the go.

You are allowed to express your opinion, there are many advocate groups, and whistle blower insurance is available too, it' not that closed. They try to open the rule box, some rules need to be removed. One of the holders smiles, I have the key, a womb full of hearts, they have to be filled in. They fiddle with the lock, what sort of thoughts are these, it used to be so easy. She is annoyed, I've enough of it, she loses the control, in a safe space of course, she has the future world as her inheritance, she does not want to lose that.

I'll see how this set of believers do it. I will test the truth of Love, I will explore the ways to the Heavenly Throne, (can you really sit on a cloud)...Her life continues, she needs her space. I'll get to it, she is reborn as light, she awakens, I better get working on the voice, amen.

Monday, July 10, 2023

JFK, Ben Bradley, and the new american dream?.. Presidential options....

 The famed journalist and JFK, from opposing sides politically, they become the best of friends, and many of the doubts JFK held privately about the system and other political leaders, the two great men shared, Ben, a regular partner to JFK, the two of them discussing the fate of America, and where it was heading. Today, the political sides are like vipers nests towards each other, where did it all go wrong in so short a space in time?

The prophet sighs, the thirst for change is not the thirst for radicalism. It’s the quest to get back to where this fine nation once stood on world affairs. Is this the new american dream, being able to work together, fairly

There is confusion, efforts to topple leaders, paying for everything, no such thing as free medicine, despite the wealth, so much more that is all, how do we pay for it, the air, who asks that question, the men of old, so it was slow at times, but it worked, now it's who is that, no one understands this, the mish mash of explanations to explain nonsense, amen.