Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The New World Experience


Joy, the freedom, no places you need to avoid, no terror no harm, children you don't have to fret over, meal times that are healthy, conversation that is light, the lower thoughts, kept in check, the inner peace rises, where does this calm stem from, what sort of world is this. The rushing is over, the self time is more regular, the threat of demons extinct, their fate in the skies, they read the signs too, a new understanding in the role of Jesus, the gospel proved to be true again, along with other revelations, the false thoughts loosing out to the real light, a new experience, is this the meaning of the circular cloud. 

The injustice of the handicap, now a gift, the rare qualities hidden, now in full sight, the minds clearing, those anxious thoughts, just the ordinary, the truth from above, opening hearts like no other, yes, darn Faith, there is no holding it back, and the bounty it brings, protection from on High, the joy of life, this is the new feeling.

Solomon soothing the heart, the quite drama, no more interruptions, the flow continuing. The signs arrive on a daily basis; what power is this many ask, the prophet sighs, have you read what is written, they look for some form of assurance; you are how you treat others, that's how we all are, the respect for others, that's who you are, the joy of being yourself, amen.