She listens to all the opinions, there are those on her mind, her attention diverted every time she listens to the news, so she make a song, one day it will be different, so she hums in her kitchen, a live song, and her mind begins to open up, she hears things, almost like feeling alive, what is this, their opinions ignored for such a long time, who is this she asks, then out come the words of peace, as the good books say, that which we strive for, and it went like this...
prays and thinks about it all the time then she sways in the soft eastern breeze Women of the Spirit where do you hide it, she listens to the voices it's the drone that comes from it, that heaving sound that thunders with menace, if I don't get you legally I'll get you with my tanks, hears the voice call from across the fields, another mother cries they ignore her with lies, we'll fix this the only way we can, women of Jerusalem how long can this last,Far away she looks over there asks why can't it be another way
They were all asking, why the patience, this anxiety in so many places, she stops to think about all that pain, she feels it too like labor there comes a time, why the make on perfection she asks, she likes to feel good it's the space the task, inside she had ideas, they never stop to understand, one day when they are old, they'll be talking about their grand children, and where the years go, what was it all about, was to see the power of the beast at work, or was it fear of the gates of heaven whichever is the safer, she makes a wry request, who are we to fear, then the light went on inside her, they space such as this, your a bird that has been released from a cage... so the thoughts went on, and in the space, others voices began to emerge, and then it was calm again, and they all slept with hope rather than regret, amen.
Attention in class, the novice teacher walks in, daunting, what am I to do, just keep them quite, the headmaster says, four or five years old, he tells them stories, there isn't a sound. How they fared, well they were lucky, the school was not over crowded, and the space around it was green, the haven away from the city, Solomon looks back, the value of a good education.
He is outside the game, another sort of apprentice, they are talking their own stuff, he is not an eaves dropper, and there is talk of wars on the TV, another great invasion is being prepared, and the co-operation on both sides, how else do you get a hold on another nations soil. The notion of pricing the recovery before the conflict starts is rather disturbing talk, why not the peace talk that would stop the whole thing, interests, the first world war was a business for many, and how did we hear of Herr Schindler, it was a case of much the same. Solomon wondered if they'd be so brave in the face of divine awareness, not the ritual of faith, but the real thing, intervention from the sky, no grey area when its real, a real choice between heaven on earth or your own version of hell, lets be optomistic, The Holy One is called merciful for the reason mercy is mercy, why argue, just increase your chances of heavenly approval. Wisdom, why would a soul like this be able to think this even, or why would you write it even, or for those with other interests, whether you beleive or not, what does it matter when its real, amen.
The paper talks of the hormonal challenges facing us, how our body chemistry changes. He recalls the warnig long ago, a close one, was getting to that age in life, reminders were given, the crankiness and sudden change in behaviour, but it never happened, we are not the same, a woman with a great intellect suffers the same, she fails to recognise the symptoms, there is a lot of damage done, a little time to reflect, a little truth, do you steam roll until you get what you want, and nearly destroy the lives of those around you, what were your choices, a little time to reflect prehaps, were your emotions working overtime, was it difficult to slow down, perhaps you needed to rest more often, were you afraid of giving others, a competitive edge, was that the world you lived on, how success in some places of work, are tainted by cheats and those who use any advantage to get ahead, amen.
He is wise in ways, but is older, has been taking too on, tries to stay younger, its the age thing, the great lesson in Mother Nature, we age in different ways, why fall back on the fear who can create, when the good thing to do, would be to encourage the next generation, with the wisdom you showed, who wants to be reminded of, well, if only he hadn't gone so far, what would have been the outcome, its okay if your going for unreachable peaks, the challenge is usually a singular one, and family is often set to the side, who has the choices like that you ask.
The new strenght is in the emotions, are you a people person, can you get along well with those around you, do you need to be the boss to be respected, what is the matter, too much pride, custer chases the indian scouts over the ridge, sought the glory, it all ends in tears, a little more balance, or more honesty when making agreements, its the same as prayers, how honest were you when you made the prayer, what did you do afterwards, Jesus tells the parable of those he healed, in particulr the men with the dreaded skin disease, and the One who came back and said thanks. The old testament is full of such stories, and the reasons for it, when we discount the God factor, what are we doing, particularly when future generations depend upon your today, what legacy will you take to the holy gates, no advisors will be able to advise you, and then you hear of Lazarus and Abraham, they enjoy the cool water, they are having a great time among the prophets, while the ones who had it all, are cursing themsevles, for ignoring the eternalk God, their wish, will you remind those we hold dear, in case they make the same mistakes, amen.
Solomom wondered what Father Nivard would make of his petitions, ignoring the interference he encountered, there are disturbers everywhere, including yourself, he thinks of the Old Monk too, the words were a balm to his ears, and the little pal, and the light, what power is this he thought, looking up, he knew clearly, thinking of future generations, amen.
As for old Barney the Cat, or was it smudge the rabbit that got him, amen.
Across the world, the great teachers of the word, many of t
The holy prophets remind us, that God Most High comes to the rescue of his people. You might get a caution or put on the waiting list, but with time and practice, you win back Godly approval. Daniel in the lions den, the other stories, the double meaning the paranoid put on things, their delusion, God doe not exist, what a surprise awaits them. The holy books are there to remind us, don't give up on your faith, and the vineyard story tells us, that the gentile is made worthy too, while some who deem themselves worthy, have a lot of catching up to do. So don't despair, if others try to sell you their fears, no matter what. Yes, we are taught lessons, and we are told parables, to help us understand the heavenly ways, it's all there.
Brave girl, or foolish mind, her words are stones, they appear to be aimed at you, that great voice of yours, it's just that, a voice, what's in it by the way, this refuge you call a land, your hypnotic ways, there is another way, the parish hall, no one says a word, hushed afraid to speak up, just in case, you know the consequences, the amount of hidden stuff, it would wear out the oceans, and this patriotic call, why not think of mother nature, will you enjoy it all, as for those great speeches, what was it you needed to say, what is that she asks, you thought a ..well go and build it then, why tell the rest of us, the cost of it you say, more she says, the off shore account will pay for all that, and you might make a better song too, and the use of men only, is that not a cover title, what sort of guide is that, women have a womb you know, we are existing, we do many things, time to change the mindset, Snead was on the go.
You are allowed to express your opinion, there are many advocate groups, and whistle blower insurance is available too, it' not that closed. They try to open the rule box, some rules need to be removed. One of the holders smiles, I have the key, a womb full of hearts, they have to be filled in. They fiddle with the lock, what sort of thoughts are these, it used to be so easy. She is annoyed, I've enough of it, she loses the control, in a safe space of course, she has the future world as her inheritance, she does not want to lose that.
I'll see how this set of believers do it. I will test the truth of Love, I will explore the ways to the Heavenly Throne, (can you really sit on a cloud)...Her life continues, she needs her space. I'll get to it, she is reborn as light, she awakens, I better get working on the voice, amen.
The famed journalist and JFK, from opposing sides politically, they become the best of friends, and many of the doubts JFK held privately about the system and other political leaders, the two great men shared, Ben, a regular partner to JFK, the two of them discussing the fate of America, and where it was heading. Today, the political sides are like vipers nests towards each other, where did it all go wrong in so short a space in time?
The prophet sighs, the thirst for change is not the thirst for radicalism. It’s the quest to get back to where this fine nation once stood on world affairs. Is this the new american dream, being able to work together, fairly
There is confusion, efforts to topple leaders, paying for everything, no such thing as free medicine, despite the wealth, so much more that is all, how do we pay for it, the air, who asks that question, the men of old, so it was slow at times, but it worked, now it's who is that, no one understands this, the mish mash of explanations to explain nonsense, amen.
lady gaga comes home from a tour, what a monster she says in her new yawk accent, what a buzz, did you hear the latest, the gang around her look, what is she going to do next, vote republican perhaps, anyway, she lets out a long arm, the usual she says, the gang look at her, at least she hasn't changed, the new member of staff is sent to the fridge, the green glass says an aide, she likes it full to the brim, and be sure you don't dally, she pays all our bills. It's all fun, the new bee is a learner at the competence school. there is a sample of goat juice in a green jug, that was put there as a joke. An ageing film star was supposed to be visiting, but a call from rehab the same day, sent him to the desert clinic instead. The intern, picks the goat juice green jug, yuk, what is she like, this smells awful, then again, when you go out wearing a steak for a dress on occasion, well people have strange tastes, i'm sticking to orange juice she says, while carefully taking the full container to our gaga, who remains, eyes closed, arm extended, the juice she says, the intern drops the yuk juice as she calls it, into the hands of our great star, one slug of the special concoction, the what, she grabs her neck, yuk, her eyes go green, she turns blue, she jumps off the couch, what is this, reinvigorated, i never felt so, nourished in my life, what's in this stuff.
Later that evening the sample is called for, the computer geek who was supposed to be calling that evening, another one of those AI people, wants to make a protest song, reckons gaga is the girl so make it happen, the song in mind, the computer that eats people. In the mirror of her bathroom, gaga looks at the mirror, she is the color green, I must be going Irish she says, smile.
Two and two, is what, the contestants on the TV, they hum and haw, is this a trick question, for $1, the warm up, the host getting into the confidence mood, the notion being: if you give them some confidence they will answer with the zest of knowledgeable people, then the stakes get higher, $2, 14 and 13, the fingers on the buzzers, the long pause, timed out, the aw of the contestants, while the TV viewers are wondering who’ll get the chance to go for the title, greatest mathematician on earth.
We are taking away your devices, the children in the class look up in disbelief, it’s as if Jesus raised the dead, and they are stunned, the look on the faces, you can’t do this, they are all upset, what is this, these are our, tools for living. The local psychotherapist reports a high interest in the service, service withdrawal, the diagnosis, is this the new addiction racket, reports from parents, they can’t sleep and are walking around like zombies wondering what to do, it’s the George Bush moment after the 9/11 crisis, the shops are empty, people trying to digest what is happening, the attack on their world, they can’t believe it, but Mr Bush when he gets reports on this affect to their nature, they don’t want to shop, goes on TV, and tells people to get out there and to support the economy.
The lady is asked the basic math, foundation stuff, cause she has depended upon the machine, she has lost the ability to add, it’s, well how much does that cost, he waits, wondering if she is able, she finally gets it right, basic math, smiles. He tries the same in the next shop, the same result, and so on, then there are those who try to sell, self drive cars, well, motoring used to be so tactile, the gear shift, the turn of the shoulder, the mirrors, the welfare of others, rules of the road, however, the machine will do it all for you, the prototype gadget is safe, the machine takes the car to a cliff, the car goes over, computer glitch.
In the Heavens, there are reports, they are loosing their senses, they are being defiled internally, all the thrash talk about the outside interference in lives, is a screen of lies, there are those trying to take over the minds, and it appears to be working, they elect a TV president, not once, but regularly, what is going on.
Solomon sighed, the race of beings is so missing the normal senses. The locked in emotions, that many are afraid to share, they appear in large wedges as soon as some celebrity passes on, the grief so enormous, that every awkward passing becomes a case of natural mourning, the God of the Living, is asking, what bunch of sods are responsible for this mes, action is required. In the space of ten years a flotilla of signs are sent to warn the people, don’t you know what the books say. Meanwhile in the Spiritual places, there are those who are not whom they appear to be, they seem to nod at all the stuff that goes wrong, as if this is from Heaven, knowing it’s them, who have been twisting the news. The so called chosen ignore the Gospel of Jesus, hearsay, even though it’s proved true, they hide this truth, while convincing some, that this is for the betterment of mankind, while ignoring the eternal truth.
Can’t add, spied upon, misled, the Prophet sighs, thank God for the teachers, those that taught the simple stuff so well. Years later, universities are full, there is great teaching in places, the green is given added status, while the story of the Gentiles, rolls off the tongue. we are going to be all right, amen.
As Jesus would say, says and has always said, what Father would give his children stones, when it’s bread they need, amen.
The report from above, why not ban the machine from school children until they reach the age, 10 or more, so that the basic mind can learn to think for itself. In school, there is the need for the basic learning model, and while they might use their devices at home, and for learning, while in school, they need the attention of the teacher, a just proposition, and it lowers the addiction crisis that has been looming for years, amen.
Oddly enough, if there was a spelling contest on TV, and it was international, the Chinese children would in all possibility win the competition, amen.
A modern day lesson in guiding those lost to the right address…
There was this man, in fellowship with the Almighty, the times were difficult and people all over, had adapted a very individual approach to their Higher Identity with the Lord. There was despair in heavenly places, the sheep were being lost, and the path strewn with all sorts of debris, temptations and sights, that dragged the heart in all directions, if only I had this, the head goes racing in this direction, if only my intimacy with my partner was this, they go looking for a replacement person, and so on, the saga continued. Over the years along came many bright hopes, this is the one to place trust in, and as they climbed the ladder, reaching for the light, it was a case of them being removed illegally, or under threat, that avoided their rising any further. The All knowing demon could pounce on them whenever, and made it clear to those sort of followers, how things could be fixed, often proving this clearly. How were the children of God going to overcome this, and reach their heavenly path. The saga continued, with crises raised at crucial times, the faith weakening, the words of Jesus becoming clear, will there be any Spirit left, at the time of the renewal, the saga continued, it’s a question of wait and hold on, the time will arrive, while the inner despair continued.
Treasure Box
One day a very lazy boy is sitting in his bed, trying to think the matter out. What is the despair so many follow, why do they put themselves down, what are they afraid. The boy, thinking to himself, a boy with ideas and with a creative gift, asks the almighty, for help and understanding. He’d received the Spirit, and supposed, well if you ask the One who sent it, chances are you’ll come up with the answers. He studies the gospels of Jesus, there are four of them, and they all have lessons, and in the study, he adapted the mind of a successful fisherman who intended to catch fish and not get himself wet all the time, he being a lazy boy, he was going to look at the nugget of truth rather than the entire manual.
In his time, he reads of the Gospel of John, the living words of the Almighty, what did the words mean, living the words, and Eureka, like many other things, it’s just like it sounds, live the words. In this thought, he looked at the understanding of others, who were trying to build their own pathway to the Heavens, and saw the same thinking being applied, but from a different starting point. The educated person from the start may have an advantage, but those that learn from not having an education, may learn the way, without having to accept the known bias’s that are everyday events. You are this, we are that, children don’t have this way of thinking, until they are schooled in it.
Anyway, by adapting the characters in the Holy Gospels, the lazy boy learned how to become closer to the Almighty, and in doing that, he learned how to direct all who came his way to the eternal light. So much so, that those who rode his ideas, for their own good, were directed to the source of all creation, the Great God of All mankind, amen, and what a great surprise is that, when you have a wealth of good deeds to your credit, amen.
The light comes on, the conscience inside opens, the stuff that they were trying to hide, which they were told they were safe of, burst into the arms of the creator, and what a mess it was, while those of the green shining light rejoiced, our faith is being rewarded, amen. How long is eternity one of their lawyers asked?
The Easter approach, many prepare for celebrations, the event, reminds all of the History of Jesus, while signs in our times, remind us, of the re appearance of the Heavenly Spirit, what do we do to assist ourselves, and what is there in life, that teaches us, to stay firm in our faith, as we understand it.
The lessons in car maintenance, the high performance life, the high performance car, driven by those with experience, the risk of error, to be understood, the maintenance rigid, when one part lets you down, the entire can falter. The parts of the engine, all play crucial roles, same as those that make up the rebuilding of the eternal space, where the Heavenly Spirit can dwell. Do we accept the word of those, who try to imitate the Master, by taking the role, when Jesus says, you can only be of God, by worshiping in the Spirit, it's why human beings can be misled, there will be those who are false in the times of the renewal, therefore, we are asked to test the Spirit.
Jesus in his life on earth, way back then, didn't practice the same diet of denial, that the sitting Priests of the time, practiced, his diet, or Lenten values, was to accept the fact, that you don't make yourself well, unless you stop the diet that divides people, in short, why do most diets fail, in short, the failure is in our ability to truly change our habits. This simple set of words, can be applied to all of us, who put on the sad face for the forty day ritual, but who then later, go back to their earlier habits, in short, while the ritual was a success, did it in fact, change how you look at others. In short, those of the light, are happy people, they are joyful, and this approach to life, draws others to your company, to see what it is that makes you this way.
All over the regular day, there are options, ways to improve your relationship with others. Jesus in short, spent more time with the oppressed, creating a gateway for others to adopt, in how they viewed other people. they are poor, they will only want what we have, we will build enclaves and keep our children safe,, so some think, without realizing, that when the children grow up, they will have to live in the world, in short, all the cars in the parking lot, are cars that deserve to be in the car park. In short, its why some who try to live by letter of the law, fail to recognize, the difficulties of those not that well in, or in short, to recognize the issue, might mean a pressure to do something about it, amen.