Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Women of Jerusalem for peace

 She listens to all the opinions, there are those on her mind, her attention diverted every time she listens to the news, so she make a song, one day it will be different, so she hums in her kitchen, a live song, and her mind begins to open up, she hears things, almost like feeling alive, what is this, their opinions ignored for such a long time, who is this she asks, then out come the words of peace, as the good books say, that which we strive for, and it went like this...

 prays and thinks about it all the time
 then she sways in the soft eastern breeze
Women of the Spirit where do you hide it,
she listens to the voices it's the drone that comes from it,
that heaving sound that thunders with menace,
if I don't get you legally I'll get you with my tanks,
 hears the voice call from across the fields,
another mother cries they ignore her with lies,
we'll fix this the only way we can,
women of Jerusalem how long can this last,Far away she looks over there
 asks why can't it be another way

They were all asking, why the patience, this anxiety in so many places, she stops to think about all that pain, she feels it too like labor there comes a time, why the make on perfection she asks, she likes to feel good it's the space the task, inside she had ideas, they never stop to understand, one day when they are old, they'll be talking about their grand children, and where the years go, what was it all about, was to see the power of the beast at work, or was it fear of the gates of heaven whichever is the safer, she makes a wry request, who are we to fear, then the light went on inside her, they space such as this, your a bird that has been released from a cage... so the thoughts went on, and in the space, others voices began to emerge, and then it was calm again, and they all slept with hope rather than regret, amen.

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