Attention in class, the novice teacher walks in, daunting, what am I to do, just keep them quite, the headmaster says, four or five years old, he tells them stories, there isn't a sound. How they fared, well they were lucky, the school was not over crowded, and the space around it was green, the haven away from the city, Solomon looks back, the value of a good education.

He is outside the game, another sort of apprentice, they are talking their own stuff, he is not an eaves dropper, and there is talk of wars on the TV, another great invasion is being prepared, and the co-operation on both sides, how else do you get a hold on another nations soil. The notion of pricing the recovery before the conflict starts is rather disturbing talk, why not the peace talk that would stop the whole thing, interests, the first world war was a business for many, and how did we hear of Herr Schindler, it was a case of much the same. Solomon wondered if they'd be so brave in the face of divine awareness, not the ritual of faith, but the real thing, intervention from the sky, no grey area when its real, a real choice between heaven on earth or your own version of hell, lets be optomistic, The Holy One is called merciful for the reason mercy is mercy, why argue, just increase your chances of heavenly approval. Wisdom, why would a soul like this be able to think this even, or why would you write it even, or for those with other interests, whether you beleive or not, what does it matter when its real, amen.

The paper talks of the hormonal challenges facing us, how our body chemistry changes. He recalls the warnig long ago, a close one, was getting to that age in life, reminders were given, the crankiness and sudden change in behaviour, but it never happened, we are not the same, a woman with a great intellect suffers the same, she fails to recognise the symptoms, there is a lot of damage done, a little time to reflect, a little truth, do you steam roll until you get what you want, and nearly destroy the lives of those around you, what were your choices, a little time to reflect prehaps, were your emotions working overtime, was it difficult to slow down, perhaps you needed to rest more often, were you afraid of giving others, a competitive edge, was that the world you lived on, how success in some places of work, are tainted by cheats and those who use any advantage to get ahead, amen.
He is wise in ways, but is older, has been taking too on, tries to stay younger, its the age thing, the great lesson in Mother Nature, we age in different ways, why fall back on the fear who can create, when the good thing to do, would be to encourage the next generation, with the wisdom you showed, who wants to be reminded of, well, if only he hadn't gone so far, what would have been the outcome, its okay if your going for unreachable peaks, the challenge is usually a singular one, and family is often set to the side, who has the choices like that you ask.
The new strenght is in the emotions, are you a people person, can you get along well with those around you, do you need to be the boss to be respected, what is the matter, too much pride, custer chases the indian scouts over the ridge, sought the glory, it all ends in tears, a little more balance, or more honesty when making agreements, its the same as prayers, how honest were you when you made the prayer, what did you do afterwards, Jesus tells the parable of those he healed, in particulr the men with the dreaded skin disease, and the One who came back and said thanks. The old testament is full of such stories, and the reasons for it, when we discount the God factor, what are we doing, particularly when future generations depend upon your today, what legacy will you take to the holy gates, no advisors will be able to advise you, and then you hear of Lazarus and Abraham, they enjoy the cool water, they are having a great time among the prophets, while the ones who had it all, are cursing themsevles, for ignoring the eternalk God, their wish, will you remind those we hold dear, in case they make the same mistakes, amen.
Solomom wondered what Father Nivard would make of his petitions, ignoring the interference he encountered, there are disturbers everywhere, including yourself, he thinks of the Old Monk too, the words were a balm to his ears, and the little pal, and the light, what power is this he thought, looking up, he knew clearly, thinking of future generations, amen.
As for old Barney the Cat, or was it smudge the rabbit that got him, amen.
Across the world, the great teachers of the word, many of t
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