The famed journalist and JFK, from opposing sides politically, they become the best of friends, and many of the doubts JFK held privately about the system and other political leaders, the two great men shared, Ben, a regular partner to JFK, the two of them discussing the fate of America, and where it was heading. Today, the political sides are like vipers nests towards each other, where did it all go wrong in so short a space in time?

The prophet sighs, the thirst for change is not the thirst for radicalism. It’s the quest to get back to where this fine nation once stood on world affairs. Is this the new american dream, being able to work together, fairly
There is confusion, efforts to topple leaders, paying for everything, no such thing as free medicine, despite the wealth, so much more that is all, how do we pay for it, the air, who asks that question, the men of old, so it was slow at times, but it worked, now it's who is that, no one understands this, the mish mash of explanations to explain nonsense, amen.
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