it wasn't me cries israel, our arms are for peace they say, blame the iranians that's what the americans say, there are too many children anyway, so much death hatred comes second place, peace is at the back of the field, the peacemaker is trying to catch up, it's a race that goes round and round...
300 more dead bodies no one seems to notice, were doing well say the peace forces, what's the problem this is good, hill top mansions are covered in blood, God will look after them when they are dead, they clink champagne goblets while bombs drop, so what, it's all in a day's work...
look it's not our problem bad can sometimes be good, the churches tell us all that suffering is very good, our world leaders don't seem too disturbed, they dine five course meals when and as they should in absolute luxury, while poor mother earth baked in tears cries in her purgatory...
devil smiles all the time everything is going to plan they'll all come to me and i'll tell them what to do, in control so he thought God winces at the scorn, well what have you been doing do you like the way children suffer, your supposed to be the man the leader not the one whose crueler..
free will i've had enough i thought they'd get over all the stuff imagine letting children starve to death, now they are blowing them up, in the beginning it was my plan then things got out of hand, earth rumbles floods and quakes it's about time we changed the coffee and started to wake up...
light and blue skies love and peace utterings so sweet all about and sweet scents too, oh what was so youthful and fresh the age has come is time up yet, so the souls say who are in the book of life waiting their return and life..and about time too....
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