Thursday, September 27, 2012

a comet is coming...

A comet is coming,
there is nothing you can do,
wait and hope when it hits,
because the earth is dying too,

warnings were all ignored,
all  pleas for help political,
no real effort just short term,
stupidity and nothing else,

Hope remains a stranger,
Faithful to what you ask
 No one believes in anything anymore,
 clergy stagger like drunks

governments  call for calm,
Americans gamble on the euro
Chinese gamble on everthing else,
on a world that will live forever,

a comet is coming so be careful,
is your conscience clear you wonder,
will you live in torment forever,
landfills full of your rubbish,

cities built on recycled dreams,
comet is coming so be prepared
you might even be delivered
can you ever imagine it or dared

 and you will be delivered.
 Tv calls drama much too late,
 space is cracking up all over
stars are all over the place,

can it be true they said
they watched it live on Tv,
the ultimate in reality horror shows
 the arrival of the first alien refugee.

 They had oil she had breasts
the interest was the same,
human nature takes care of the rest,
they wake they leave a mess,

the comet is coming all right
live  on CNN next week. 

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