no emotional input can satisfy our
conscience, keep the truth hidden while you get on with living, achieves
nothing makes you dumb, just wondering why, too busy in life no secret in that,
feeding the love you treasure, doing handstands to keep it all together,
nothing remarkable about that, why the spying, everything is global, countless
great men and women destroyed, broken hearted and despised, not by chance by
evil intent, phone calls reputation secret romances share dealings, can’t have
happened blame someone else, it’s how they rake the good from society,
replacing them with the compromised, are they going after the whistle blowers,
secrets out force them to run and hide, control of fear lost love is now
replenished, suddenly God Most High is awoken, those regulations they impose
targets the small people, when criminals of substance hire the best,
accountants lawyers with five star reputations, no one has the means to
challenge them, apart from the artists divinely inspired, and often it’s media they
use, this will be a surprise, explains why some great believers are distant all
the time, control it’s a byword for the dead, it’s the reason they have power
over love and reason, and the vast majority of love on the planet, children you
might say but it’s the mothers listen, and this control of women over thousand
year prohibitions, an implement of fear and women ought to listen, the cause of
wars this so called love of religion, when was love ever controlling, when you
wanted it all for yourself, they evoked
old texts to carry out this ambition, well done you control freaks for the
hatred you conditioned, you got away with it but it’s over now, unconditional love
you show for rules and regulations, the
polar opposite to the laws of nature, environment destroyed world on the brink,
coming up with all sorts of remedies plenty of money in that, and they thought
they were going to get away with it, I’m certain this wont happen cause the
hope of God is love, and it’s found a new fire, they’ve engaged the fire of
god, and of that I’m certain not kidding, it happened in this lifetime, enough
children had their lives destroyed in the name of what, control it’s the devils
religion, we own you, not anymore.
More crap. mental Farting clinging to love god etc and other platitudes for credibility. Picasso was real creator, not like you spewing out sewerage dressed up in eulogies, suedo knowledge trying to impress some low life with crap.