Sunday, July 28, 2013
open hearted surgery
cries alarm bells nuclear reactions storms, there's a rage going on in the world of the dead, suddenly the entire world is alive, check out the weather follow the sky, act when we see a hungry beggar or a child in need, don't turn away and hope the eyes don't meet, we fear the guilt we take with us. open heart surgery needed the world over, could be you today think about it, be prepared for the great and holy change, the battle between good and evil roars on, tactics of all description being used widely, like those chemical weapons they used in syria iraq, including cover ups that are not for mention, open hearts don't give up, God Most High is aware of the most devilish plans, and is not too impressed with the harm done, so open those hearts and remain sound, no matter what they try against you, God Most High always wins, it just happens to be harvest time again, and the change eternal that it brings, so endure to the end and see the glory unfold, amen.
Friday, July 26, 2013
mining your head for ideas!
minding your head or mining your head, imagine it, your head is being drained of ideas, just imagine it.
I cant understand why my neighbour hates
me, I can’t understand what I did to upset him, I can’t understand why our
leaders fail me, I guess I better wake up before the truth overtakes me, I
wonder if God will have the patience to save me, I can’t understand why the
young don’t trust me, I wonder if it’s anything to do with the way they
sexualize me, I wonder if the valium will kill or save me, I wonder if there is
an honest poet who just writes from the heart, I wonder if an agent will be a
help or will fail me.
Expert opinion is called in, fast spin
doctor I mean, but he’s an expert at heart, no such thing, and here’s the
reason why, will those experts explain, why the world is on
the wane, thought expert would save me, believing in those who respond
to crisis, with clarity they repeat like an upset stomach, that just seems to
last and last, keep rolling out these experts, like old china in a fancy display case, when special occasions need that
expert part, and it goes on and on, lives quake all over the place, do you know
what it’s like he asked.
Roman empire builders had fortune, organized
before they set off, they call for war it starts, the world blind cold
indifferent and boring, concerned when their lies been encroached upon, they
always said there will be poverty, they also said Nelson Mandela would never be
released, they always said life was not fair, they laughed at that one, but not
anymore, always said they’d be winners and losers, said that God most high had
forgotten them, or perhaps they were just mining your head for ideas, ask the
exploited the children who can’t deal with it.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
God forgot to write
Monday, July 22, 2013
something has happened
Love is not a restaurant menu, where you
can pick and choose, the way so many do the way so many lie. To many it appears
that way, and it’s easy to see why, divorce is so valued you’re not surprised
neither am I. Apart from making the breakdown of marriage feasible, it’s like
planning for a disaster, it inhibits people from digging deeper, in the hope of
resolving the crisis within. Abortion is no different in many respects,
mountains of justifiable reasons, but in affect your giving carte blanche to
any sort of behavior knowing you have a solution in place, should things not go
your way or if a new life is an inconvenient fact. If a new life can be cut
from the earth legally, what’s left to save, if your God Most High is looking
on, not a lot really when you think of it like that. When the imbalance is reached,
anything can happen, it’s the pathway to addiction.
Divorce, best thing that happened for the
development of society today since the sliced pan, when it doesn’t work out
plan D. As they say it’s only business, one house becomes two, children require
counseling, real estate prospers, more depression, more of everything bad
happens, it’s why Christ Jesus railed against it, it’s bad for everyone, except
business, not something people like to think about, why the pain to giving
birth, sacrifice I suppose. Time to wake up and see the world around you with a
new pair of eyes, something is happening worldwide, can’t say what.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
The Age of Control
no emotional input can satisfy our
conscience, keep the truth hidden while you get on with living, achieves
nothing makes you dumb, just wondering why, too busy in life no secret in that,
feeding the love you treasure, doing handstands to keep it all together,
nothing remarkable about that, why the spying, everything is global, countless
great men and women destroyed, broken hearted and despised, not by chance by
evil intent, phone calls reputation secret romances share dealings, can’t have
happened blame someone else, it’s how they rake the good from society,
replacing them with the compromised, are they going after the whistle blowers,
secrets out force them to run and hide, control of fear lost love is now
replenished, suddenly God Most High is awoken, those regulations they impose
targets the small people, when criminals of substance hire the best,
accountants lawyers with five star reputations, no one has the means to
challenge them, apart from the artists divinely inspired, and often it’s media they
use, this will be a surprise, explains why some great believers are distant all
the time, control it’s a byword for the dead, it’s the reason they have power
over love and reason, and the vast majority of love on the planet, children you
might say but it’s the mothers listen, and this control of women over thousand
year prohibitions, an implement of fear and women ought to listen, the cause of
wars this so called love of religion, when was love ever controlling, when you
wanted it all for yourself, they evoked
old texts to carry out this ambition, well done you control freaks for the
hatred you conditioned, you got away with it but it’s over now, unconditional love
you show for rules and regulations, the
polar opposite to the laws of nature, environment destroyed world on the brink,
coming up with all sorts of remedies plenty of money in that, and they thought
they were going to get away with it, I’m certain this wont happen cause the
hope of God is love, and it’s found a new fire, they’ve engaged the fire of
god, and of that I’m certain not kidding, it happened in this lifetime, enough
children had their lives destroyed in the name of what, control it’s the devils
religion, we own you, not anymore.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Maxwell Smart to Control, over and out
Control, no emotional input, can satisfy
our conscience, keeps the truth hidden while we get on with living, achieves
nothing makes you dumb, just wondering why, too busy in life no secret in that,
feeding the love you treasure, doing handstands to keep it all together,
nothing remarkable about that, it’s why the spying is global, countless great
men and women destroyed, broken hearted and despised, not by chance but by evil
intent, phone calls reputation secret romances share dealings, can’t have
happened blame someone else, no it’s how they rake the good from society,
replacing them with the compromised, why are they going after the whistle
blowers, secrets out force them to run and hide, control lost love is now
replenished, suddenly God Most High is awoken, those regulations they impose,
always targets the small people, why criminals of substance hire the best,
accountants lawyers five star reputations, no one has the means to challenge
them, apart from the artists divinely inspired, and often it’s media they use,
this will be a surprise, explains why some great believers are distant all the
time, control it’s a byword for the dead inside, why is control such an
important tool, it’s the reason they have power over love and reason, and the vast
majority of love on the planet, children you might say but it’s the mothers
listen, and this control of women over thousand year prohibitions, it’s an
implement of fear and women ought to listen, it’s the cause of wars this so
called love of religion, when was love ever controlling, when you wanted it all
for yourself, they evoked old texts to
carry out this ambition, well done you control freaks for the hatred you
conditioned, you got away with it but it’s over and unconditional, mercy you
show for rules and regulations, the
polar opposite to the laws of nature, environment destroyed world on the brink,
coming up with all sorts of remedies plenty of money in that, and they thought
they were going to get away with it, I’m certain this wont happen cause the
hope of God is love, and it’s found a new fire, they’ve engaged the ire of God,
and of that I’m certain not kidding, glad it happened in this lifetime, enough
children had their lives destroyed in the name of what, control it’s the devils
religion, we own you, not anymore, 99, where are you.
Friday, July 12, 2013
waking up is hard to do
Your internet search’s, phone calls to all
and sundry, bank account and credit card details, all being spied on, and
you’re a turkey, looking on helplessly, and Christmas is advancing fast, and
it’s all totally legal, not that you have a say, welcome to the modern world,
of surveillance and crime. Having had direct contact with these types, the
zealot world they live in, I’m certain the whistle blowing is going to get
louder and louder, amen. Excuses they use to justify anything, some call it
being patriotic, tell that to victims of abuse, the countless number of
children, sacrificed as evidenced, in the number of care homes, where the
perverted were comforted, because of the positions they held, with the consent
of the security services, orphans abandoned and leftovers, who’ll notice them
anyway, the country is secure you understand, it’s in the interests of the
country, same excuse used to destroy Iraq, well, God Most High doesn’t think
so, and many many hardships are going to follow, each and everyone of these
misdeeds, no matter how righteous these people may seem. So when the earthquake
strikes, the tornados double in strength, don’t be surprised at all, you sow
what you reap, it’s that clear and it’s in black and white. A point is reached
when time hits a point, the angels and holy warriors make conclusions, God
sends then in to seek out, those who tried those who loved, in order to
complete the work of the harvest, and it’s reached that moment in time, well if
I’m wrong I expect you all to become so giving and kind, and that’s not going
to happen anytime soon, if the past is any indication of the future, am I right
or am I right, this is no joke movie, no laughing matter, it’s time to do what
is right, and the actions of the majority, don’t speak the language of love or
anything near the standard required, to enter into the joy of heaven or the
company of the Lord God of Mercy and Right.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Chemically Addicted Egyptian Style
Bob Dylan wrote about it, Neil Young croaked
about it, the elite are building space ships in the hope of escaping it, and
even Charles Manson knows it, and the young people of the world, the wall
street protesters, the Arab spring converses, it’s as obvious as a bright
light on a darkened night, maybe it’s time we did something about it, cause
there is no looking back in anger, cause there will be nothing in front of you
to look forward to, or any which way you look, as clint eastwood might describe
it, unless there is a sudden change of direction. A catastrophe awaits, maybe
you live on hurricane alley already and are used to it. Unless there is a
change of heart as Leonard Cohen sings, and millions of others down the
century, we are facing a dead end. There is a cure, the money virus has caught
the attention of the world, what’s in it for me, true love in action, sweet
kind and thoughtful of others, yeah, look in the mirror and try to hide your smile.
We’re just trying to survive you say, well so are the bees.
Sterile males, happening all ready, the
sperm whales in decline, bees hiding, afraid of coming out, time to stand up,
say it as it is, the Kingdom of God has connected with the earth, the time of
great change is upon us, we pushed matters to the brink, so we better come up
with something, not a word, action, an opening of the human heart like never
before. I’ve often recited, I’m bored saying it, my sister wants to put me on
medication for it, and as Edward Snowden already knows, and hosts of others who
don’t even know their lives have been interfered with, those who wish to speak
the truth, face very challenging circumstances. I saw the cloud, da Vinci’s
painting in the sky, the circle of completeness, and , many other things
besides, too long to mention, you’ll probably be seeking porn soon I imagine,
or seeking some kind of something, as I can see you are already bored, where is
he going with this, he’s ranting and raving, but this I have no doubt, the
times they are a changing, and unless we stop becoming chemically dependent,
there can be no other way. I hear old
friends laughing their heads off, but when you live in a world, where it’s
considered more important to have a drug that makes your weaner stand out
rather than your love, it means one thing, we are heading for a big let down as
they say. Evil does not reside well in the company of love, I’ve proved this
thousands of times, and it usually scampers once it knows what is going on,
unless they can control you. It’s why people out there like to make you
dependent upon them, gives them a certain authority and power over you, sane,
same as the care given to women for all those thousands of years, the bastions
of the hope and reality of love, where men were entrusted in keeping them safe
and cherished, but managed to get control over them as well. You wonder why so
many women have gone off men, check the porn habit for a start, it kind of kills the I
love you moment, when you are thinking of that other girl in your head, hard to
get over, cant’ get going until you turnover, drop a blue one or a yellow,
suddenly your back in your stride, keep it going baby, no feeling just a discharge.
Didn’t I don well, she looks at him,
feeling so lonely inside, if only he told me that he loved me, I mightn’t
believe him, but I’d immediately feel better. A common thought hidden in the
minds of so many who try to love. And all the books of scripture, wrote to
confuse you I suppose, those ancient temples and places across the world, the
ones they are unearthing as I write this, they give you a chance at the
eleventh hour, to rethink, and take the narrow road as well, amen. Doesn’t the
current state of the world, remind you of the arrogance of the Egyptian Empire
of old, and you know where they went. Even Barack would look good in a pharaoh suit.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Uniting the forces of Good
Single greatest and most significant action
worth undertaking, uniting the forces of God on earth, easy if you believe in
the power of God, and not in your own glory. Gandhi managed it in India , peacefully.
Others have tried, many have been discouraged, for trying to do good, can you
imagine it, attempting to bring people together for the common good is not in
the interests of those who seek the opposite. With the earth facing an
environmental melt down, ignoring the economic crashes ongoing, the civil
unrest, the huge numbers unemployed, the billion or more who live on a dollars
a day, the eternally hungry, another cause, how can we avert a total meltdown
of society, and put the world back on an even footing, not the current
situation, where less than two per cent of the world’s population, decide the
fate of the rest of us, well they used to, things are going to change, the self
serving elite I can assure you all, God Most High, has heard it from the
grapevine, the harvest to date has been a disaster, new thinking new outlook,
new world order guaranteed, of this no doubt. I passed the bribe test, and many
others too, I know the power of God, have experienced it quite a bit, and once
you act in faith and love, and your deeds reflect this, God Most High and his
elect, will not let you down, my own long list of real time super natural
happenings, can confirm all this, you just have to believe, and not become like
so many, who use fear to turn away from effort and assistance to those in need,
basically allowing yourself to become a stranger in your own life.
Every religion out there that believes in
the one true God, not in a being of human dimension, that’s the devils
worshipping brigade, and money worshippers fall into that bracket as well,
sorry if your hurt, I don’t lie or invent, I just pass on the wisdom I acquire,
despite the odds as a friend of mine once wrote, a long long time ago. But, how
many varieties of God believers, all doing their thing, building up the numbers, clapping themselves
on the back, for stealing worshippers from other God fearing religions, it’s
like stealing from yourself as they say. We have more, we are great, more of
what, what did you actually achieve, did you improve the standard of hope on
earth, change the prospects for children, did you stamp out slavery, do you
make peace with those that declare war on hope, are you afraid to speak the
truth as they say, the list is long, but it’s time we all started singing from
the same song sheet, lalalalalal, can’t be done I hear you say, rather foolish
to think it can be done, I have faced so much criticism it no longer bothers
me, I’m poor so I don’t have a whole lot of personal goods, so give me the
satisfaction of listening before you deride me. He’s poor, forget him, hahaha,
well I’m not poor in the eyes of God, and he’s 100% behind me, this is a call from the good book actually, how you
are all going to be judged, by God Most High and his appointed elect, so it’s
worth thinking about the issue. Well, heaven is real, and it doesn’t pay a
pension, and it’s lasting, but admittance is limited, reserved as they say in
fine restaurants.
The reason I write this, is not to curb
your interest in yourself, but to develop a senses of awareness in the fate
that you must face, we all face, and this is my two pence effort to come up
with a few suggestions, that might help us all, and give us the Hollywood style
ending we’d like, and not the dante’s inferno or worse version that is readily
available as things stand. Hahahaha you are joking, this guy is on something,
he needs help, call the psychiatrist, call the doctor, I had the doctor called
more than once, and when I say called, it was the end of me, body crushed by
very large truck, top to toe, everything damaged, parts removed, every vital
organ bypassed, every scar just out of sight, except the large one up my chest,
so I know what I am talking about, and will quickly demolish any argument out
there, with relish and fast. So lets get on with the important question, how
can we stop fighting among ourselves, all of us who believe in the great
prophets and the Lord Jesus Christ, all the religions in fact, and get focused
as they say, and so end the suffering and misery of many billions worldwide
while bringing great glory to God, while saving us from extinction as well. A win
win win situation, as they say on wall street silicon valley and elsewhere,
where the losers are only the bad guys too, can it get better. A better life
for the grand children too, worth trying to do. Before you do something, you
must come up with a plan, a simple one. is mine, what is yours,
Monday, July 8, 2013
Living on Chemical Alley
Sterile, too clean, protected from the
wind, sealed, energy rated homes obscene, save what you ask, your ass. Energy
saving devices, shouldn’t take exercise, using up too much energy, seeds,
chemically altered, plants animals, farmed out, pharmaceutical industry, water
industry, make up, washing products, not forgetting fertilizers and genetically
modified everything, well if you don’t believe me, today, go outside, and tell
me this, the number of bees alive, near you, are they pollinating apple trees,
not like they are supposed to, or to put it accurately, only where the
environment is clean and unaltered. I was watching a bee lately, rumbling
around a plant, a flower to be exact, buzz buzz, stop buzz buzz, the flowers
were tiny, I wondered how the bee was
doing, I’m a bit of a bee myself you see, but I watched this particular bee,
the weather was warm and sunny, ideal, a little wind, nothing noisy, in the
middle of agricultural country, and I saw Einstein’s warning being played out
before me. I don’t want to got into detail, but Einstein is worth checking out,
a pretty clever man at that. But back to the bee, and his struggle to survive,
I watched in amazement, as he landed so gently on the tiny strands of flower,
that would hardly hold a cobweb up, and
wondered what his return would be, from all this hardy work, not much from what
I saw, as the plant was very small. I got on with my chores, and returned to
the scene of the active bee sight, to see if any other bees would come and do
some work. Another ventured to the spot, didn’t stay too long, as he wasn’t
having much luck, and I paused, took out my camera, tried to take a few shots.
Anyway, I got back to my chores, the day
was very hot, didn’t last too long, wisdom is sometimes saying you had enough,
and decided to do the Spanish thing, and have a siesta, well a cup of tea and a
cigarette. Going in the door, I stopped to admire a bunch of fresh flowering
plants, a dozen of so, I’ll stay here I said a moment, and see what kind of bee
will show up. This was like the proverbial lake compared to the isolated plant
I’d earlier focused on, big, bright, many, a harvest, goldmine if you want to
put words on it.
They ought to smell good too, I nosed
closer and pressed my nose to a few of the buds, no fragrance to think of,
strange I thought. I waited and waited, waited waited, best part of an hour,
not a single bee showed up. Chemically adjusted and treated, produced in large
plants, factory style, just like farmed chicken, tasteless unless you douze it
in sauces of all kinds, unlike chicken I had when I was a child, juicy
succulent and tender, not like the rubber we call chicken today, back to the
flowers, totally produced using prison style conditions, no fragrance in them
at all, and the bees knew this also, so they avoided them completely. You don’t
need scientific proof to decide that people have changed completely, call it
progress, best excuse out there. But for the sake of the world, and the bees
that inhabit it, it’s time we took the use of chemicals globally seriously
before it’s over, like in a flash. Bee’s know it already, Einstein recognized
it, and we are all watching it happen before our eyes. And worse than that,
there are chemists and scientists throughout the world, who for the sake of a
few dollars more, as clint eastwood would pit it, are willing to trade the
world for nothing at all in the end, just for a little change really. It’s the
story of the wealthy man’s struggle to become rich, destroying all before him,
marriages, the lives of children, workers, just to be called wealthy, knowing
he will die penniless in the end. By which I mean, he’ll destroy his chance of
a heavenly reward, because of the spite he has inside, for those who aren’t
rich like him. God is a lover of bees, and we are destroying them. No point
having hindsight from the bottom of the ocean, you can tell the passengers on
the Titanic that one. Bubbles everywhere and nothing inside. Why do you think
they banned marijuana, cause it didn’t need chemicals to survive. Time to
acquire wisdom before you die, check out the use of chemicals online, studies,
asthma rates for the last thirty years, sperm rates in men, autism rates, the
list is endless. God Most High isn’t impressed by the attempts to genetically
alter the world, and will expose all of this charade, with lightning
speed. I expect this will be evidenced
when you see a spate of chemical industry disasters, remember Bhopal
in india , remember Chernobyl , remember that
you read it here, so pass it on. Wisdom is not something you use to make
yourself rich, wisdom is used to make the world a better place, safer, more
durable, kinder, decent. Please pass this on. I suppose and hope your not one
of those folks that wants to be cloned, another bunch of sheep.
Friday, July 5, 2013
growing up is hard to do
Young boy tries to grow up, no sense to
guide him, he quickly gives up, fails in education teachers under pressure,
authorities impose rules that are supposed to help him, makes friendships with
those like him, soon they are running amok, and when they get in more serious
trouble , we lock them up inside. A tough regime forces resentment, fosters new
anger creates more troubled friendships, six months a year or two later,
uneducated but wise in all that is wrong, they are thrown out on the streets,
they’re new home it’s where they belong. Wisdom dictates a new direction is
called for, the comet we have been expecting, it the one we have self created,
because we drowned out love, replaced it with all that was greed, we wiped the
face of hope, from the dreams of children worldwide, and God Most High isn’t
too impressed, and the evil ones who supported this cause, and all those that
supported these plans, from spin doctors lawyer consultants and henchmen, they
will all be held responsible, for allowing this menace to happen. What’s for
dinner dear, asks the Loving God, ready to sit down with his true friends, the
business of love on top of the world again, peace for dessert all over the
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
cure for addiction
Addiction, a frame of
mind, a need unfulfilled, a craving that becomes twisted over time, it begins
in the heart, the first stages of your inner development, the experiences that
you can’t deal with, the burden that doesn’t let you shine, the confidence that
is missing, the hope you have been building, it just doesn’t materialize as
planned, you keep seeking you just can’t find, some people hide it, they store it
in their work, others it’s a habit, could be alcohol, to others it’s
medication, could even be your good luck, cause once you conquer it, it’s
amazing the strength in it, addiction, and here is the answer, the one they
have been seeking, since the beginning of time. In a nutshell, everything
begins in a nutshell, so don’t feel so small, you are not the only person,
whose been daunted, so here goes, this is my simple explanation, if you pass it
on, the way love was supposed to work, you will no longer be addicted, and this
is why. In the first instance, it’s no one’s fault that you became controlled
by this conflict, it’s a fight for your soul, what are you saying. When a child
is born, it was out of love this miracle occurred, two hearts got together, a
chemistry was created, of the loving kind, and when this love became intimate,
a third person was born, you me the neighbor next door, everyone born on the
planet, was a combination of love, well that was the goal, cause love is the
only cause divine. Baby seeks nurture reassurance of the unconditional kind,
grows in confidence and strength, picks up the habits of the parents, and the
influence of those around. Along the way it did not always work out, as folks
grew in different directions, the child got separated from it’s original berth,
experiences came and went, heart was torn and hurt, child grew further
confidence got weaker, when the pain became unbearable, substitution became a
survival of a kind. It is why so many people in prisons, be it the one you hide
your addiction in, or the prison cell you spend years in, have addiction, they
rebelled and acted strange, picked up habits they escaped to, to avoid the
conflict in their heart divine. God most high gave us wisdom, for many it became a personal obsession as they lived the word, mine, unlike the word love and together we are fine, addiction you can't get away with it, amen.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
seen a good crisis lately
World is shrinking, the heart isn’t
thinking, less love few safe places, crisis the norm, people hardly notice,
much trouble around, wisdom on the run, pornography main stream, it’s only fun,
does she do that, much respected, truth will disappear, ask Edward snowden, wars fought widely, populations on their feet,
corrupt politicians pollute, we reward them
well, celebrities mouth off, don’t you
think, here’s a nice pic, teachers on the valium, arctic in meltdown, bee’s in
hiding, air too dirty, nothing been done, sound bytes lectures crisp speeches,
Hollywood script writer appeal, pure fantasy explodes, president Obama meets
school kids, education going nowhere, of their law we have become, the oceans
are rising, third of the earth starving, women sexualized everywhere, recipe
for disaster, marriages in trouble, record use of pharmaceutical drugs, divorce
almost mandatory, soldiers drugged to war. There was a time, a crisis was a
crisis, now it’s a crisis everyday, last days of the roman empire, a good interpretation of it all, facebook
likes click this click that, inbox full of unread emails, one pair of eyes a
thousand pitfalls, mention the gambling channels, promoted day and night, what’s
going on, a foundation to raise your children upon, mobile pornography lessons,
gambling with a click, want to have an affair, plenty of that about, the answer to our prayers, cocaine at the end
of a line, the rampant addiction of the worlds minds, too drugged to do
anything, the horrendous situation we dwell in. sounds pretty damning if true,
surely none of it makes sense, after all, governments spy on everyone
everywhere, not just the U.S.A, any brains in the class room, little boy raises
his hands, they spy on us cause they like us, nope young man, that’s not the
answer, I wish it was so, anyone else,
little girl raises her hand, cause they are afraid of us, closer, anyone
else asks teacher, somebody must know why they spy on us, to prevent terror
attacks sir, nope, that’s the excuse they use, prevent terror prevent war,
nope, one more, has to be one more, little boy raises his hands, cause they
want to know what we are doing, correct, they just want to control us all, and
the more they know you, the more they can disturb you, some call it national
security, others call it self preservation, the wisdom of the world, calls it
control, like conditional love itself, once it’s conditional, its’ not love at
all, it looks like it, tastes like it, but unlike real love, it’s controlled,
like animals in the zoo. Harrison ford, blade runner, at least tom cruise got
it right, when he called his latest movie, oblivion, it’s where we are all
heading, unless we start working together now. In my humble opinion, the world
is being judged, from the heavens, I’ve seen the circular cloud, the stars come
out, the miracle events, this is nothing short of Armageddon, why do you think
the international space station exists, so we can go and visit. And they built
it using our money, time to act don’t you think, cause when true love dies,
it’s the end inside, and the end of this marvelous life, amen.
Monday, July 1, 2013
special report
Wow, one of those shows, perfectly
spoken, bleached white teeth, and smiles to dye for, questions asked questions answered, conclusions, a lot done more to do,
last word expert opinion, that’s a rap, applauds for presenter,
remarkably insightful, two years later, special report, everyone perfectly
spoken, in the meantime, everyone forgetful, that’s a crap full, year later, experts a little older, make up a little bolder, web site
address whips across the screen, spin doctors advice taken, make it look like
it, it’s really that simple, no no shouts spin queen, never work with
people so vain, circle keeps going round and round, same crew
same presenter same expert opinion, special report where are you, let me take you out of the dust cover,
they run out of ideas to spend the money on. And you wonder, the
world is bungee jumping out of control, new order needed, God Most High has
heard the screams, doesn't like getting his ear bitten off, they don't seem but are getting louder, doesn't like it
when children grow up too fast either, nothing special in that report, been like this for years, special report where are you.
All over again, the same images appear, the same melancholy look, world leaders ponder give opinion, Mandela was such a leader, new story special report later, and it's getting louder and louder, across the world people scream and shout, cause we ignored those special reports, and it's disaster for so many, anyone home, can we blame the aliens again, special reports required, and its spin and spin louder, till they drown out the noise, peace and concentration camps, sounds like old times, special report required for all the madness going on.
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