Feel good stories nice memories sleep easy
and dream, close your eyes pretend, no obscene people no dead ends, read the
sweetest works, prepare for a life that will never end, continue this way till
the very end, party to party seek pleasure when you can, were all doing this
it’s just the way we are, together we are stronger I hear them say, while the
churches are empty what else do you expect them to say, the Ferrari looks nice
even if we can’t drive it right, no place to test those aluminum brakes, my breasts
are too small I’ll have a job done, it’s my constitutional right i’ll carry a
gun, the house is a squeeze I’ll buy up while credit is free, my nose is out of
joint while my cocaine bill mounts, children mingle with strangers in the
online world, too bad they’re not old enough just think of the fun, bank credit card debt no worries another one
I’ll get, the excuses mount while my savings run out, stripping is now an easy
option, one babe looks the same the men sound the same, preacher warns of hell
and the abyss for the forlorn, it doesn’t apply to me I’ve an education to work
on, porno is so mainstream it’s regularly on TV, my dad watches nightly then
comes to visit me, and Jesus, whose he, he doesn’t like to see us when we like
to party, oh grow up, take your shorts down and join us in the Jacuzzi, our
stocks are on the rise we can afford another loan, I don’t feel so good well
take another tablet and see, they are free with our medical plan like
liposuction, why don’t we get a Mexican maid like they have on TV, emigrant
status is really a must, before you join us you’ll have to fight for us, the
world is well and truly mucked, putting in mildly, not bad for a nation that
wiped out the culture of the native American people, while replacing them with slave
labour first, then European slavery, followed by asian slavery after that, and
guess whose next, that’s right, you, I’d do something about that if I were you,
and they did all in the name of a dream, just like martin luther king, it’s
amazing what you can sell to the blind and deaf, everything, amen.
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