Thursday, November 1, 2012

Watch the Titans Fall...

Western world speechless, nothing to say, chins point downwards, cause it’s Judgment
day, so it seems from the rash of discoveries, the sheer greed of the banking community, and the loss of faith in all that was supposedly good, the sexualisiation of children continues without restraint until it became a flood, a report was ordered a cover up, to you and me, there is nothing we can do, lets use a foreign tragedy, so war was enacted to quell the reality, at home, it’s real every word that is being poured out on this page, surreal to those in charge for years and their criminal company, but why be surprised by all these sad revelations, it’s been spoken about for years it’s just we were all too proud to accept the insanity, when God created the universe it wasn’t about you and me, really you may say is there a drug for that, if unsure go visit the poor and how they accepted their lot, otherwise go see your doctor he’ll have a remedy I’m sure, forgetfulness is now a full time disease it’s just not caught up with you yet, why you should be concerned is not a revelation to me, I’ve seen the great signs in the clouds the star and the golden city that lies overhead, we were all put on the planet not by an accident or a late night embrace, it may seem that way to those that take advantage of the entire human race, but we were all given a seed, I know, I can hear you all plead, this is one of those rants I guess you know how the Egyptians feel, as do the Romans of former times the despots of old and the ones that are dying, but when we entered the human race it was not to become rich like they do all over the place, we were farmers and to sow, we were sent seeds, it abounds in us it always pays the rent, problem was a little starker and not one that they want you to learn, but a fight for the soul and the heart of everyone has been ongoing for years and years, so don’t take it to heart this disease we are part of, it was pushed on us like a smart drug, they wanted you to put aside all your human intent in exchange for an evil one, self money lust and mutual consent was the new order or individualism as some will say, but those who drove this evil enterprise were just like everyone, so now is your chance and this is not a rant nor a warning or warring call, it’s like the parable of the vineyard it’s not too late you see, so join the revolution of love and hope that is crossing the globe obliterating everything that gets in it’s way, this is no joke or the cries of a toke it’s your chance to get really involved, so if you hold secrets of old that protect those enterprising folks who climbed the pole to destruction laying waste to your child’s education faith and hope, don’t be afraid to open the door and let the truth out, evil occurs when good men and women remain silent on stuff they keep private, the internet is here so don’t fear, were with you 100% of the time, what a blast sighed peter as the Lord stopped speaking, I hope they went “all in” he joked, all good thought his which we misunderstood while we stole from the wisdom of the net. Watch the titans fall, it’s coming to a cinema near you, very soon.

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