lady gaga comes home from a tour, what a monster she says in her new yawk accent, what a buzz, did you hear the latest, the gang around her look, what is she going to do next, vote republican perhaps, anyway, she lets out a long arm, the usual she says, the gang look at her, at least she hasn't changed, the new member of staff is sent to the fridge, the green glass says an aide, she likes it full to the brim, and be sure you don't dally, she pays all our bills. It's all fun, the new bee is a learner at the competence school. there is a sample of goat juice in a green jug, that was put there as a joke. An ageing film star was supposed to be visiting, but a call from rehab the same day, sent him to the desert clinic instead. The intern, picks the goat juice green jug, yuk, what is she like, this smells awful, then again, when you go out wearing a steak for a dress on occasion, well people have strange tastes, i'm sticking to orange juice she says, while carefully taking the full container to our gaga, who remains, eyes closed, arm extended, the juice she says, the intern drops the yuk juice as she calls it, into the hands of our great star, one slug of the special concoction, the what, she grabs her neck, yuk, her eyes go green, she turns blue, she jumps off the couch, what is this, reinvigorated, i never felt so, nourished in my life, what's in this stuff.
Later that evening the sample is called for, the computer geek who was supposed to be calling that evening, another one of those AI people, wants to make a protest song, reckons gaga is the girl so make it happen, the song in mind, the computer that eats people. In the mirror of her bathroom, gaga looks at the mirror, she is the color green, I must be going Irish she says, smile.