Two and two, is what, the contestants on the TV, they hum and haw, is this a trick question, for $1, the warm up, the host getting into the confidence mood, the notion being: if you give them some confidence they will answer with the zest of knowledgeable people, then the stakes get higher, $2, 14 and 13, the fingers on the buzzers, the long pause, timed out, the aw of the contestants, while the TV viewers are wondering who’ll get the chance to go for the title, greatest mathematician on earth.

We are taking away your devices, the children in the class look up in disbelief, it’s as if Jesus raised the dead, and they are stunned, the look on the faces, you can’t do this, they are all upset, what is this, these are our, tools for living. The local psychotherapist reports a high interest in the service, service withdrawal, the diagnosis, is this the new addiction racket, reports from parents, they can’t sleep and are walking around like zombies wondering what to do, it’s the George Bush moment after the 9/11 crisis, the shops are empty, people trying to digest what is happening, the attack on their world, they can’t believe it, but Mr Bush when he gets reports on this affect to their nature, they don’t want to shop, goes on TV, and tells people to get out there and to support the economy.
The lady is asked the basic math, foundation stuff, cause she has depended upon the machine, she has lost the ability to add, it’s, well how much does that cost, he waits, wondering if she is able, she finally gets it right, basic math, smiles. He tries the same in the next shop, the same result, and so on, then there are those who try to sell, self drive cars, well, motoring used to be so tactile, the gear shift, the turn of the shoulder, the mirrors, the welfare of others, rules of the road, however, the machine will do it all for you, the prototype gadget is safe, the machine takes the car to a cliff, the car goes over, computer glitch.
In the Heavens, there are reports, they are loosing their senses, they are being defiled internally, all the thrash talk about the outside interference in lives, is a screen of lies, there are those trying to take over the minds, and it appears to be working, they elect a TV president, not once, but regularly, what is going on.
Solomon sighed, the race of beings is so missing the normal senses. The locked in emotions, that many are afraid to share, they appear in large wedges as soon as some celebrity passes on, the grief so enormous, that every awkward passing becomes a case of natural mourning, the God of the Living, is asking, what bunch of sods are responsible for this mes, action is required. In the space of ten years a flotilla of signs are sent to warn the people, don’t you know what the books say. Meanwhile in the Spiritual places, there are those who are not whom they appear to be, they seem to nod at all the stuff that goes wrong, as if this is from Heaven, knowing it’s them, who have been twisting the news. The so called chosen ignore the Gospel of Jesus, hearsay, even though it’s proved true, they hide this truth, while convincing some, that this is for the betterment of mankind, while ignoring the eternal truth.
Can’t add, spied upon, misled, the Prophet sighs, thank God for the teachers, those that taught the simple stuff so well. Years later, universities are full, there is great teaching in places, the green is given added status, while the story of the Gentiles, rolls off the tongue. we are going to be all right, amen.
As Jesus would say, says and has always said, what Father would give his children stones, when it’s bread they need, amen.
The report from above, why not ban the machine from school children until they reach the age, 10 or more, so that the basic mind can learn to think for itself. In school, there is the need for the basic learning model, and while they might use their devices at home, and for learning, while in school, they need the attention of the teacher, a just proposition, and it lowers the addiction crisis that has been looming for years, amen.
Oddly enough, if there was a spelling contest on TV, and it was international, the Chinese children would in all possibility win the competition, amen.