Man willing to die for the cause, a martyr.
Monk self immolates in the Chinese embassy in Dublin, global hero, man stands
up for his family in Bangkok, forgotten, Man goes over the top certain death, hero, old
man can’t face life without his deceased wife, kills himself, criminal, there
are many standards of man, and while man might look like man, it’s what is
stored in the mind that becomes the standard. And for ten years and more they
looked on, and with glee and a sneaky smile, while the children of the world
were sexualized, I wonder what is on their mind, and the standard it sets for
the future. Hey man I can’t listen to this, pour me a Guinness instead.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Judgement Day
squandered earth, panic in the streets, calm the suns is out, everyone is free to speak, overhead the skies blue, she checks her make up, makes an eye at you, then some grey arrives, and she disappears, child is ten, looks much older than, we'll he's only trying to pretend, acting old just as the earth is, love in the pouch, screeching to get out, love and loves friends gather, put together a gift bouquet, a boy we'll call him john, two years later he's addicted to heroin, well it's the TV he calls it, turn it on he screams his head off, adults don't know what's wrong, bring to the neuro surgeon, he's got ADHD he smiles, parents wondering what it means, he shows them the manual, the glossy pharma copy that's embossed, one of these a day, and he'll be set up for life, years gather and it's all dependency, parents are older closer to the cemetery, earth cracks up and ..suddenly they are all children again, why did we addict them all to porn, what, you can't say that everyone does it, the arguments the excuses and the lawyers, not us not us not us they yell, God Most High his heart worn out, they talk the talk and that's what it is all about, spin spin the roulette table again, hoping to land on a number, anything to make the feeling dwell, children addicted to pornography, adults addicted to power, teens unsure of everything, it's time to call them in, and your excuse is..the floor opens and they disappear, forgotten never to return, that didn't last smiles God Most High, back among his own, no tears no anger pure joy, amen.
Monday, September 23, 2013
i ordered a cheese sandwich
Why we exist, how to exist,
what makes us exist, is love the ultimate drug,
most addictive feeling in the world, your born with it, well children know this, go to extremes to keep
it, break hearts and you loose it, so spend your life with love in mind,
sometimes it can become strange, love that is, you try to find a substitute to it, pornography, the mirror, alcohol, work or fixation, love is not always clean, requires the extra yard, did that Guy die on the cross for it, from marriage to marriage, nothing seems to work,
the car becomes important, your personal image is perfected, addiction is far
bigger than drugs or alcohol, it’s people behaving strangely, it’s those things you’d rather
not do, how do you save the love you have in a world that does not treasure it, do you worry about children, not unless you have some. The neighbor has a bigger car, don’t trust the police, immigrants eat
in that restaurant you can’t afford, those sadists are all Muslims, those
rantings on the radio and TV, the terror we get used to daily, from Kenya to Syria and everywhere else, night and day it’s easy create
hatred, the prospects for love are causing the hardship everywhere, So, what you waiting for, go
and create love and watch your world improve beyond imagination, but like any wise person who plans on doing, research first, be wary of those who mislead, watch the pitfalls, see what happened to those who went ahead of you, be cautious of those bearing gifts when you are most in need, and
finally, study the lives of those who loved the most. I ordered a toasted ham and cheese half an hour ago, patience i suppose.
Friday, September 20, 2013
slow down
Alarm off, hour to prepare, she’ll be there,
slippers showers, hissing five minutes, the kitchen the
storm, buttons, cups, bread, orange juice, coffee, five minutes tops, dressed
to leave, races down the stairs,
nearly breaks her neck and falls, gets up gives herself a telling off, taxi she hops in, half an hour in the gym, before she goes in, leaving out the thirty two tweets, and the time spent checking her facebook account, we are all that important. Hi mary, she hears it sixteen times till she reaches her spot, perfect life no children yet, she has accounts on dating sites all over the net, connections to the rich and wealthy, she hopes to fish one out, her father owns a yacht, does a very light work out, she’s going to stay young and organize life, with no experience at all, till one day she's in a hurry and crosses the road in …silence, sounds like..what's the rush!.
nearly breaks her neck and falls, gets up gives herself a telling off, taxi she hops in, half an hour in the gym, before she goes in, leaving out the thirty two tweets, and the time spent checking her facebook account, we are all that important. Hi mary, she hears it sixteen times till she reaches her spot, perfect life no children yet, she has accounts on dating sites all over the net, connections to the rich and wealthy, she hopes to fish one out, her father owns a yacht, does a very light work out, she’s going to stay young and organize life, with no experience at all, till one day she's in a hurry and crosses the road in …silence, sounds like..what's the rush!.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Mood Club
Joy a warm embrace
and a smile that lasts, not hard to undertake once love
resides in your heart ,
wont show it will you trying to protect it, like those nuclear reactors they are all afraid of, if it explodes
it's unpredictable deadly and dangerous, like the feelings you keep stuffed in the heart, wondering if it's safe to let go wondering how far you are prepared to go, safe haven a bunch of friends a wine bottle and a forgetful mind, calm again heart beat slows eases you toke one more time, emptiness the mind drains itself of all the issues, you have space again to get the heart moving again, afraid to stop almost, damn damn damn, just when your getting to the good part the alarm clock goes, young simon woke once the bell went, school over, he'd have to face the evening alone again, his mother hopefully in the booze club, and not at home with her newest boyfriend, one of those types, that prey on the weak and the wounded, the world was animal everywhere he looked,....where was God he asked looking up
wont show it will you trying to protect it, like those nuclear reactors they are all afraid of, if it explodes
it's unpredictable deadly and dangerous, like the feelings you keep stuffed in the heart, wondering if it's safe to let go wondering how far you are prepared to go, safe haven a bunch of friends a wine bottle and a forgetful mind, calm again heart beat slows eases you toke one more time, emptiness the mind drains itself of all the issues, you have space again to get the heart moving again, afraid to stop almost, damn damn damn, just when your getting to the good part the alarm clock goes, young simon woke once the bell went, school over, he'd have to face the evening alone again, his mother hopefully in the booze club, and not at home with her newest boyfriend, one of those types, that prey on the weak and the wounded, the world was animal everywhere he looked,....where was God he asked looking up
Friday, September 13, 2013
dope makes you dopey
Dope makes you dopey, your
thinking, so don’t
worry. Did snow white and
dopey, of the seven
dwarfs fame ever smoke,. No, that was a
fairy tale make belief. Besides a
good looking woman
would have no time for a dude that
only reached her
navel, unless he’d lots of money. Setting
on the bed
felt so comfortable too, he
couldn’t sleep, speech
he thought, speech, she likes me
reading her stories in
bed and you like it too he thought,
meaning himself. But
sleep, five minute power nap that’s
all, his eyes
beginning to dictate, five
minutes that’s all,
five harry, remember. Crumpling down
on the bunch of
pillows, he hooked the loose covers
five minutes he promised. Should have
done this sooner,
grabbing the duvet tight around him, five minutes
grabbing the duvet tight around him, five minutes
five minutes, have to write it, have
to write..
asleep he was free to roam
around his dreams
uncontested or undisturbed. Grabbing
and groping
thoughts and revelations of every
sort, he wandered and
wandered. Perhaps he was on
the verge of a nervous
breakdown, at least in the asylum, that'd be considered normal. He
shook the bed, delving, going in
and out of scene
after scene, seeking answers to
issues that disturbed him
when awake. Millions of darkened souls, empty,
lots of hungry people with no money to spend,
it was getting closer and closer every day,
food parcels he smiled going further into the dream, they
were all alive, just
dieting. He wondered if DHL delivered
food parcels as well as computer parts.
food parcels as well as computer parts.
smiled, smiled big. A Jesus convoy arrived with a
bread van in it, did the feed the
world trick,
Harry laughed, every story had to
have a happy
ending. As for Noah, he was really a
math professor who
couldn't count beyond two. He
laughed again, turning
in the bed as he did, still in a
She hit him full blast across the
face, shattering the
glass dream he was in. He opened one
eye, then the other.
The side of his face hurt, why so, he
wasn't sure. She
came into focus, the angry expression
on her face was all
he saw. What time was it he thought,
acting, looking
"you've been at it, you, jesus,
can I ever trust
you!”. She wore a heavy scowl too.
He rubbed his face firmly,
from the forehead
down, feeling with his fingers, the
crevices and sockets,
it was still there.
"jesus I'm alive, you wouldn't
believe what happened me".
She lit a cigarette and sat down
beside him, rubbing his
cheek with her free hand.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you!” she
“thanks!” he replied sitting up,
sober with shock.
"twisting and turning, I thought
you were on LSD
or something, what are you like, and
no speech either
The peaks of perversion are never
going to be reached,
don’t worry, children love adventure,
your neighbor too,
god calls for massage on Friday, the
ocean is your only
escape, women cry rape, men listen, the aids industry
thrives, so does everyone around it,
call the dealer, get
a packet, and fast, my nose is
bleeding, so is my head,
so is your heart, everyone is dead,
satisfied or do you
need to see a certificate, it’s in
the manual sir,
blast!.. !.
Harry rubbed his forehead, unable to cope
with the rush, his toes tingling, all
the way across his
back, over his shoulders, till his
head lifted off
almost, my god he thought, shuddering
all over. The joint
quickly died. Stubbing it into the
desk, he wondered
if he deserved the resurrection of a
fresh one or what
was it that was on his mind so
recently. The Palestinian
issue had been dealt with, god should
have been in
politics, I hate that, god I’m
getting old, we’re all
getting old, but harry was getting
older quicker he felt,
as he was forgetting things, the
bleddy coffee he sighed
..a he screamed
exhibiting a roar that would
terrorize a muslim. Yes, a baptism he
thought, why not
both he laughed, thinking out loud,
I’ll ban religion and
make it even more popular. You can’t
have that. He began
to yawn all of a sudden, his mental
state crumbling
apart. His eyes were opening closing,
fluttering in
disarray. Rest, was the answer, a
bath and he could have
it all, yes, warm foamy liquid, he’d
relax, sleep
perhaps, no one ever drowned in a
bath. Many were killed
in them though. On his feet, he
wobbled over to the edge
of the tub, turning on the hot he
winched slightly,
plenty of it he thought, adding some
cold. It’d take five
minutes to reach drowning point, six
inches deep. Damn it
he thought, just when he was getting
organized, he’d
forgot the final ingredient to his
afternoon caper, a
bath fellow as he called it, a
slender joint, well
rolled, not hard, but robust enough
to last the course,
yet loose enough to allow plenty of
fresh air. If I was
Cuban I’d roll it on the thigh of a
virgin and not get
arrested. The makings were on the
table. The bedroom
would be warmer. You can do this he
fumed, slapping
himself across the face, shit that
hurt he thought, sober
a few moments, his mental
determination as acute as a
hard on in a nudist colony. Harry was
awake mentally.
He slapped himself hard again, it
hurt even more, but it
Shook him even more.
Jesus, what’s going, every where he
looked, a window was
open. He couldn’t decide, the best
place to make the bath
joint. Going into the bedroom, he sat
down on the side of
the bed, his head in his arms, head
going down and down.
Will I or won’t I he thought, roll
that joint.
"jesus christ" he yelled.
He raced into the bathroom. His
heart thumping furiously. The bath
water was half full,
the ship hadn’t sunk, and there was
plenty of hot water
left. Shock woke him further. Five
minutes later, he was
all calm again, lying in it, a
smoking joint in one
a glass of water in the other, Balance he thought,
perfect balance, like the perfect
woman, just be he
Each sip of water was followed with a
suck, till
all there was left was a butt.
Flicking it accurately
into the toilet bowl he began to play
with himself. His
manhood though, looked a wet
shriveled mesh of hair and
flesh, there was no response. He
twiddled with the water
instead, palming it playfully over
his chest. He then
began immersing his head in and out
of the water as
playfully as a dolphin. Fish he
sighed, wondering what it
was like to be a fish these days,
very disappointing. To
have your home turned into an
international sewage
treatment plant, it’s happening locally,
smell the air he
thought sucking it in, the open
windows allowing for
endless waves of fuel injected air to
enter his space,
lovely he thought, the sweet whiff of
chemicals blended
with monoxides, good. But did it
matter he wondered, the
water silent, harry still. It
mattered to the him that
moment, water quality, getting worse
everywhere, full of
shit. But they have tablets for that
too he yawned. He
sat up all of a sudden, water cascading
down his body,
least your not a fish otherwise, otherwise
he smiled
thinking quietly, getting serious with
himself. As ever
the phone intervened, like it was
trying to disturb him.
Damn it, I'll let it go, they'll call
back, everyone is
lonely, The phone kept on ringing
though, annoying him
for a good two minutes. It was time
to begin a personal
manicure. Two minutes and six dunks later
his hair was
washed, and clean of all traces of
sud. His hairdresser
recommended conditioner to him the
last time he got his
hair trimmed. Now he had a
predicament. Feel like a
woman, the bob Dylan song entered his
head all of a
sudden. Not that he felt he needed to
feel a woman, he’d
have felt the first one available
anyway, but he felt
like a woman all the same.
He didn’t have that album in his
collection he recalled,
he’d buy it for himself for christmas
he promised once he
sorted out the problem starring him
in the face,
shopping, choosing was shopping, if
not shocking
sometimes. The array of bottles to
the side of the bath,
she couldn’t need them all he
thought, maybe she mixes
them he sighed shaking his head at
the chemical
concoctions, all in very colorful
bottles, herbal, ying
yang, normal, everyday use, coloured,
must be for black
people, all conditioners, he read the
labels, dry hair,
normal, greasy and super greasy to
choose from. She must
have had lots of men friends, all
bathers too. He
pondered the choices. Just like a
woman, he knew what bob
meant now!.
His hair, obviously wasn’t dry, so
that was out. Which
one did lainey recommend, but her
hair had been dyed so
often he thought, she was a natural
what. For a second
he was normal, just his hair.
Squirting a creamy blob
into his hand, he began to massage it
into his head.
Telesales agents, should be banned he
howled, once he
heard the phone come alive, again.
Not now he screamed,
I’m not doing interviews. For a
moment he thought it
might be her. It stopped then rang
again. Down and up,
his head was immersed in the water
for a nanosecond.
Leaving a watery trail in his wake,
he reached the phone
just as the caller gave up. They'll
ring back he sighed
with a shrug of the shoulders, always
do. Out of the
bath, there was no point getting back
in, condition or
not. Drying himself off, that was a
bath he thought, as
if he’d never had one before.
“I bet he’s gone for a walk, he walks
then writes, it’s
an inspiration thing!” she told
herself. She’d have to
surprise him at home instead, they’d
given her a raise
plus a promotion, just as harry said
they would. She
wanted to thank him. Holding the
phone in her hand,
she pondered. Was he worth it she
thought, of course she
assured herself, smacking the phone
down. Decision made,
she was going home early, to the man
waiting for her!.
Dope makes you dopey he thought. Your
thinking, so don’t
worry. He wondered if snow white and
dopey, of the seven
dwarfs fame ever smoked. No, he
Concluded, that was a
fairy tale, make belief. Besides a
good looking woman
would have no time for a dude that
only reached her
navel, unless he’d lots of money. Seated
on the bed,
felt so comfortable too, but he
couldn’t sleep, speech
he thought, speech, she likes me
reading her stories in
bed and you like it too he thought,
meaning himself. But
sleep, five minute power nap that’s
all, his eyes
beginning to dictate to him, five
minutes that’s all,
five harry, remember. Crumpling down
on the bunch of
pillows, he hooked the loose covers
over himself,
five minutes he promised. Should have
done this sooner he
sighed, grabbing the duvet tight
around him, five minutes
five minutes, have to write it, have
to write he thought.
Fully asleep he was free to roam
around his dreams
uncontested or disturbed. Grabbing
and groping with
thoughts and revelations of every
sort, he wandered and
wandered. Perhaps he was always on
the verge of a nervous
breakdown. In the asylum, they’d
consider that normal. He
shook in the bed, delving, going in
and out of scene
after scene, seeking answers to
issues that disturbed him
when awake. Millions of darkened
bellies, all empty,
what an advertising nightmare for a
food company, lots of
hungry people with no money to spend.
Food parcels, He
smiled to himself, going further into
his dream, they
were all alive, they were just
dieting. They could always
ring the yellow pages and get a pizza
home delivery. He
wondered if DHL delivered food apart
from computer parts.
He muttered words, twisted in the bed.
A towel that was
wrapped around his damp head, was now
strewn on the
ground. Evil, must first get to know
it intimately, he
smiled, smiled big. A Jesus truck had
arrived with a
bread van inside it, did the feed the
world trick,
without the need for personal appearance
Harry laughed, every story had to
have a happy
ending. As for Noah, he was really a
math professor who
couldn't count beyond two. Harry
laughed again, turning
in the bed as he did, still in a
She hit him full blast across the
face, shattering the
glass dream he was in. He opened one
eye, then the other.
The side of his face hurt, why so, he
wasn't sure. She
came into focus, the angry expression
on her face was all
he saw. What time was it he thought,
acting and looking
"you've been at it, you, jesus,
can I ever trust
you!”. She wore a heavy scowl too.
Harry rubbed his face very firmly,
from the forehead
down, feeling with his fingers, the
crevices and sockets,
it was still there.
"jesus I'm alive, you wouldn't
believe what happened me".
She lit a cigarette and sat down
beside him, rubbing his
cheek with her free hand.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you!” she
“thanks!” he replied sitting up,
sober with shock.
"twisting and turning, I thought
you were on LSD
or something, what are you like, and
no speech either
I suppose!”.
She passed him her cigarette, he
tried his best to
explain. I was just bathing in future
dreams he sighed.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
The Poets Progress
pompous poet searches for the perfect words, they don't sound smart
enough, he's been working on it all morning, it's time to hurry it up,
riddles words cliches apparently clever sounding, hoping to impress all
those around him, if they understand him he worries he'll be dull, if
they don't understand a word they'll think it a thrill.
i know this crowd the sound of an ovation, they delight in any explanation given they consider it skill, all the time he's just playing with words teasing them it's his will, poet laureate nothing else he confides as they gather round and listen, he's hardly understood his own words written but they keep clapping.
days later he drives his car over the cliff he'll be remembered for ever, he smiles as the vehicle flies down and down, he wont feel a thing when it smashes to the ground, he is not worried about the after life or where it will take him, he's immortalized himself and thinks it will be heaven as a new audience awaits him, not that he understands a thing.
i know this crowd the sound of an ovation, they delight in any explanation given they consider it skill, all the time he's just playing with words teasing them it's his will, poet laureate nothing else he confides as they gather round and listen, he's hardly understood his own words written but they keep clapping.
days later he drives his car over the cliff he'll be remembered for ever, he smiles as the vehicle flies down and down, he wont feel a thing when it smashes to the ground, he is not worried about the after life or where it will take him, he's immortalized himself and thinks it will be heaven as a new audience awaits him, not that he understands a thing.
Monday, September 9, 2013
the controlling sowers
bully me push me trouble me harass me do what you like you will never control me, poor under resourced hungry weak the vultures circle the planners make you weep, marry me want me do you love me hear me see me i'm on TV too, shove tumble stumble alarm me did you see what she said to me so he hit her you see, calm peace time to think seek the truth rest nourish and control, vultures circle their own type now easier pickens just like New Orleans before, power of love stops thrashes pushes back and eventually destroys the greedy and controlling sowers, and it's coming to a theatre near you just watch the skies this fall, amen.
imbalance, how long do you think it can go on, the poor do so much be it worry work or hurry, the wealthy who do so little bar a few, evidenced environmentally socially economically morally, the real state of play the collapse of government banks institutions globally, the very groups run by the wealthy few, there are only so many charity events you can attend in a season, , it might help you think they are doing something, when in fact they do nothing at all, this imbalance created was meant to unbalance me and you. you have read this in the papers so this is not something new, but it's there in black and white imbalance everywhere, it's as if we are working class slaves not unlike those chained up long ago, so what is imbalance what can you do. imbalance, even God Most High gave us the benefit of free will, seeing if we'd come up with something good, but imbalance is a fund manager or broker who pays themselves astronomic sums cause they control the fund, the person in the relationship who spies on the others just to have edge, the greedy child who is brought up to think money is all there is, imbalance is lots of things like stripping the earth of clean water and wondering about it after when it's too late. take all the imbalances together, our over reactive natures how we are lead and the half truths we tell, it puts everything we do out of sync very quickly and soon we are living in chaos, then we become part of the human stew, where nothing is real and the truth is never spoken, causing calamity blame games you name it even health issues, isn't that what mental health is balance, well what is the health of the world, but the mental well being of the human being, and from every angle you look at it, it's out of control, leaving control of our lives in the hands of others, surely you don't want to be a slave, well that is where this unbalanced world is being lead, try riding an unbalanced horse and see where it leads you, do you think the world is any different, when unbalanced.
Friday, September 6, 2013
crisis, where is the valium
late summer or early summer.
get the picture, not really, your pretending as always, chemical pollen everywhere, gets you, those TV images, pure ugly, you continue drinking smart coffee, geeky looks nothing you can do, TV is all about Syria, a year before all about Syria, in the meantime 100,000 wiped out, the plight
those in danger never ending, world leaders leading nothing in fact, just spin doctors and TV shows,
the same people who unsuccessfully solve everything, solve the problem of the Syrian crisis. There wasn't enough to go around, like asking a death row inmate how he felt, did he feel anything after been given the injection, what would he recommend. How was it for you, good I hope. Have a nice day, and a thousand other stupid slogans. Maybe learning how to focus on anything but sex might help us all, thinking a thousand miles an hour in an old fashioned jet, can you see the media interest once death is mentioned, can i see, another over there, there, so much of it, you don't even notice no more. Don't think this story has a Hollywood ending, not until they change the direction of the ship, and jettison the crew...ah harry cheer up...
the same people who unsuccessfully solve everything, solve the problem of the Syrian crisis. There wasn't enough to go around, like asking a death row inmate how he felt, did he feel anything after been given the injection, what would he recommend. How was it for you, good I hope. Have a nice day, and a thousand other stupid slogans. Maybe learning how to focus on anything but sex might help us all, thinking a thousand miles an hour in an old fashioned jet, can you see the media interest once death is mentioned, can i see, another over there, there, so much of it, you don't even notice no more. Don't think this story has a Hollywood ending, not until they change the direction of the ship, and jettison the crew...ah harry cheer up...
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Propaganda is an ice cream you can't say no to!
more to the light than you think, can disable some instantly, reduce others to
tears, put a smile on your face, thought is strong sometimes weak, we choose we think
we act,
thought can change the world, thought you were into me, thought brought
world to it’s knees, thought i could get away with it, thought there
were no
consequences, thought the world was going to hell,
thought I’d
change it then, thought I’d say a prayer, thought gathers momentum,
thought can be good, thought makes people march, thought you were okay,
the world was made for me, thought about it all day, thought, not just a
thought, but the first step to a better you, thought the time
revolt, thought has changed so much, thought you’d past your
thoughts they sell to you and me, thought can be a friend,
broke many hearts, thought allows you a new start, next time you have
one of
those thoughts, think is it good or bad, for all thoughts can rise and
bring you up or down, the world along with it, and why are thoughts so important, morning opens thoughts for a bright new day, thought about what has
to be
done, ever think about the people you’ll meet along the way, probably
not, I
don’t mean those you arrange to see, I don’t mean the places you’ll
either, I’m thinking about those trapped in their thoughts, most
those caught in thoughts that don’t go away. once we realise that it's just a thought, you can change it any given day. Problem is, so many thoughts are bad, the weight of oppression overcomes, same way they torture people, they torture nations with propaganda instead, just a thought.
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