Saturday, December 21, 2013

Mother's Nature

Mother’s nature is mothers nature, a mothers nurture everlasting, from the cradle to the grave, mother is always there, and we wonder who mother nature is, it’s the nature of love, and the way mother’s are treated sometimes, controlled and sexualised almost everywhere, you wonder why we worry about mother’s nature or mother nature, it’s that simple, God Most High is wisdom personified, no flaws no over reaction, the patience the goes on forever almost, till the seeds mother nature are left with, don’t produce the love we need to survive, so what are you going to do about it, since we have turned it into a lottery, a game of chance, what was divine selection we turned into a joke, well, the man in the Sky, check it out again, assumes otherwise, and being God, he always lets us understand the predicament we are in, so let’s put mothers nature top of the three again, put a smile on the face of love, let mother nature shine again, well you can’t be measuring her by the size of whatever your looking at, it’s not her heart your seating, but the other impulse you have, don’t need to go into detail, but everyone understands the consequence here, and God Most High is on his game again, as the picture in the Sky says, amen. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Daddy is watching you!

i'm not talking about your secret habits, those things you do in private that only you know about, i'm not talking about the deviousness of the mind and where it can lead you, i'm not talking about selfish dreams and the fantasy inside you, or the hidden feelings you hide in order to hopefully forget them, i'm talking about the real existence of God, and the divinity of Love, it's real, we are light that is formed in body, a gift, the opportunity to do what is right, instead, we have castrated children mentally, and if it doesn't change soon, it's the guy in the picture here, whose going to let us know, amen. It's christmas, time we found the real spirit, the Holy One, and guess what, i have proof of that too, amen

Friday, December 13, 2013

Story of Christmas, part 1


Much has been written about the sources of life on this planet. More has been written about the life of the one known as “Jesus of Nazareth”. Given the state of the world today and the many religious wars fought, either protecting it or promoting it, religion that is, a better understanding of Jesus is needed more today than ever before. Many prophets exist today, preaching and predicting. Condoning and conditioning, their own understanding of “Jesus Christ” their attraction, each one having a leaning towards a philosophy, none of them it seems able to offer an unbiased vision of Jesus, as a kind forgiving and sometimes angry man or woman perhaps, who lived to love and protect the most vulnerable, but all the time willing to see the good in everyone, even in the most difficult of times.
In a world torn apart by a mixture of greed lust apathy paranoia and fear, it is time that we put an end to the mess, and got ourselves singing off a familiar hymn sheet, so that we can follow a future that does not consist of global destruction by means of chemical, atomic, or human means – disease. As many prepare, to celebrate the birth of the Holy One, and there are prophets too, all divinely sent, it’s timely, to put in perspective, what the season means in it’s correct context, not the shopping experience, we have turned it into.
Great changes are afoot, we have witnessed the turmoil globally these last seven years, which has been a permanent feature, for many unfortunates, for far too long. Christmas, is the celebration of Love, and the birth of the redeemer, the one who died for us, and was resurrected again, by divine means. God is watching us closely, hoping, (and we have proof positive of this,) that we put into every day use, the gift given freely, to everyone of us. If it’s just a question of accumulating, this life gift, will account for no more that an extended shopping experience, as we are so good at promoting. The picture in the Sky, is possibly, the last post from a Heavenly father, check it out and pass it on, it just might save us, amen.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


The squires of Heaven, busy again. Nelson Mandela is chatting up Whitney,
Elvis is teaching God Most High guitar, St Peter is doing the usual press release,
God is sharper than Eric Clapton, Elvis is stunned. You learned that in a minute, he says in that drawl, St Peter is a slow typist, Steve Jobs is showing him an apple, can I bite it laughs Peter,  That isn’t funny quips God. The mood among the gathering is high, the evil front is on the run, it’s total harmony, and the angels are moving easily, cutting down one by one, the threads of the evil web, in a matter of time there will be none.
One last push states God, they are getting it right down there, I haven’t laughed this much, his joy is as infectious as a cherished child, anyone with a special request he smiles, he’s ready to pour out his graces, a double dose of the miraculous is on, an Irish Monk, a celebrated preacher while on earth, fosterer of faith is centre stage,
He has his list of prayer requests, there are tears in his eyes, understands the hopes of many are coming through, he remembers some old friends, in particular a small bunch of cheerful nuns, they feed the poor and clothe everyone, they have a crisis in funding, and have been praying to Father Nivard, he’s long way from Tipperary, the old monk who preached so well. He’s a wink in his eye, a bottle of Irish whiskey in his hand, he can drink as much as he wants, doesn’t get tipsy anymore, no one ever in Heaven feels unwell.
He looks at Whitney, a hymn for an old man he wonders; she reads his mind and sings him Christmas carols instead.
How’s the boy doing down there, God looks at Peter, I sent then your instructions, he’s eating porridge as requested, and is being guarded as well.
Mother Christmas enters the den, she’s a former model, but is golden looking, is Irish of course, and she sings a duet every evening, with the honey voiced singer, Eva Cassidy as her back up.
The elders are assembled, waves of men and women, the dining room goes on for miles and miles, stretches , and the wine is being served. Johnny cash is giving a warm up performance, Otis Redding is waiting in the aisle, patience quips God, to Otis, this is going on for ever. John Lennon wants to get in on the act, you believe now laughs God, and you thought it was all imagination, it brings John to tears.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Ball in Court

Ball in Court

Two sides to a story
Two outcomes usually
What happens
When the judge
Understands both sides
Sees both deceptions clearly,
One honest man
Who does he believe
The honest one
What about the judge
What side is he on
Both sides pay his wages
Does he see fairly
Or the money he’s on
Tough choices ahead
Money wins probably
Welcome to your world
Ball is in your court,
Decide wisely,
Man in the sky
Watching very closely

It’s estimated that between 5-8% of all prison inmates are totally innocent globally, figure could be higher, much higher in politically motivated court cases, and these people are being held, because of prejudice, same way as Hurricane Carter.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Divine Intervention- Second Helpings

Second helpings

The first cover was so well attended, God Most High has, with generous spirit, decided to serve second helpings of justice, the special affects dinner that has no limits in it’s cuisine offering. For those of the gluttonous nature, who love to use toe rags, who despise the poor, are connoisseurs of conceit and abject cruelty, who are far beyond normal and decent living, we have added a few choice dishes to the menu, but we don’t want to soil your under garments, as you wet yourself with excitement or spoil your avarice appetite, we don’t want to  disappoint you either, that would be unfair. But those throughout the world, who planned the downfall of all that is good, we have come up with a very special new offering, that will appease your unlimited need for power and control, the mercy burger. Full of your bad seeds, this special dish will appease your unsustainable lust for supreme human beings, a rather delicate dish,
That appeals to those who need young virgin spices, to give them that pep in the step as they say, grand dad did I see you running after that little one, hahahaha you dirty devil, hahahaha, this dish is served in very select places, across the globe, in very secure and private places, that only the seriously corrupt and wicked have understanding of, and many with huge reputations have been blackmailed from. The string of boutique hotels, those dainty places, staffed by your prior victims, who themselves have become addicted to your tastes, is all yours for ever and ever. God Most High wants you to understand, that he was so taken by your choice menu, that he has drawn up a list of the chief organisers, planners and facilitators, and intends to  let you have his opinion, as he is a foodie as well.
Did I do that right
Nelson Mandela is at the table with St. Joseph, Peter reads back the press release to them.
Nelson says
“that is so cruel brother, you should invite all the others involved as well!”
St. Joseph, revitalised by the presence of Nelson in heaven, adds:
“too limited, I agree with Nelson, we ought to invite the elite with them, after all, they all work hand in hand”
“I suppose” moans St.Peter, who has to type out the menu again.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Small Hearts

Small Hearts

Small boy, hardly two feet tall, less than three years old, runs and smiles, he’s met his angel, has no fear, feels saved and complete again, acts the way a normal child does, impish and funny, is introduced to TV violence, displays agitated state every time he sees it, mother does not understand, does not understand, she’s been deserted, busy trying to make ends meet. Professional mother, big town reputation, she’s a lawyer, leaves child with minder, two years old, he watches TV when in her care, eight hours a day, mother assumes he’s a condition, doctor diagnoses autism, well it covers everything, puts him on medication, with a need for therapy, which she can afford, child grows poorly, becomes depressed, I’m not the same as the rest of my friends, busy mother builds global career, has the funds to pay for any amount of treatments, because she never minded her child. Situation is repeated again and again.
Small boy three years old, visits friend, wets his pants, is afraid to tell anyone, withdraws to bathroom, attempts to pee, stands there alone, doesn't’t have a clue, tears pour from his eyes, his pals mother comes in, he’s motionless at the bowl, standing there alone, heart filled with terror, worried of the beating she might give, cause he’s used to it at home, and afraid. The destruction of children and the hearts therein, is the end of the line, as no seeds will grow, when damaged so young. You’ve been warned.
A change of heart, is not the sudden realisation that you are going to do things differently because your afraid of some future consequence that might not be good for you. A change of heart is the realisation, that it’s the right thing to do, amen. Nothing in the world matters more than children, that’s why many smart intelligent and well educated people, have allowed them to become victims of sexualisation, violence and

Drug addiction. It’s the charity concept, they’ll do it for us, sorry, doesn’t matter in high places such cheap thoughtfulness. Those with talents will be judged more harshly than those without, see the image of the man in the sky, if your throwing fits of laughter, you’ll soon stop, I promise you, so says God Most High, just imagine it.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Children in trouble

The door closes, child panics, breathing increases, steps closer, it’s me, the voice is a familiar one, rumbles and fumbles, it doesn’t last long, steps retreat, door closes, monsters imagines the child, his dreams interrupted, nightmares instead, Roaming times all over again, roman verdict if it happens again, God Most High is trending, his influence everywhere, titans babble rubbish, plans in crisis, media associates crumble, advertising executives silenced, war mongrels quite, holy warriors aim, global leaders panic, he’s got us, what are our chances, does he negotiate, do something fast, make it work. It’s not about forgiveness, this is the bear cage syndrome, the water went down, the wrecks became visible, no explanation necessary, opposite sides worked hand in hand, shared the spoils, chose their appointed one, situation was day to day, made excuses to everyone, long game that suited all, apart from the vulnerable, the old and very young, well it’s new order everyone, and it’s no compromise everyone, so says God Most High.
Did I get that right wonders Nelson, passes the script to St. Joseph, cause St.Peter is welcoming the new arrivals. Joseph’s eyes say it all, need more in there.

I was trying to be reasonable and fair, suppose I was warning them, when you should have been warming them huffs Joseph with a gaze that would frighten anyone. Nelson gets back to his work. Mel Gibson, he’s a pussycat when compared to St. Joseph, he surmises, amen.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Contemplating Addiction

It’s Friday night she’ll have to do it again,
He’ll climb aboard her and put it all the way in,
It used to be love but that was many years ago,
She just lies there quietly and waits till it ends,
Her heart many miles away she always with him,
She’s now a web addict sends her into a spin,
One day she’ll meet him she wonders if he’s thin,
That was great last night what’s for breakfast he smile,
Passing he slaps her buttocks gives her a big wide grin,
She’s counting the minutes when he’s out the door,
The car leaves the driveway she waves and smiles,
Soon he’s out of sight she soon covered in tears,
Marriage can be a great blessing or a huge mistake,
Chose wisely set an example for the next generation,
It’s the children who are the victims in the end.

You haven’t a load of money, and you can’t afford a lawyer, you getting married, your not sure if it’s your money she is after she wonders too, the cost of the break up is what is worrying you, your attached but detached but aware of the human cost, when love is turned to bitterness and it happens quite a lot, the rivalry that ensues regardless of pain or cost, the legacy we leave to those following not money but the hurt and emotional cost, that deep down scar that reminds you every time when the subject comes up for air, the what if’s the maybe’s the regrets that contain, the fear that does not allow you to forget, basically, I’ve just described the addiction of love, love is not an addiction, love is the condition you should be feeling and it only happens when we use the heart, when you forget how to love you become an addicted person, and the world has been conditioned to love everything but love itself, amen!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

New World Covenant

New Covenant, for the love of God, who else, not the selfies for sure,
Jesus Man, where have all the men gone, we thought you had followers, where they all gone, it’s nothing personal, but why are all the chicks still with you, you are all hung up….yes, it’s true, trouble arrived and the men disappeared, and they have been disappearing ever since, turning women into second class citizens almost everywhere, what do you think when he comes back, I guess he’ll go to see all his old pals, and have a few beers, cheers lads for being there….so sound. Time for change, the intellegencia who tried to explain it all away, make up excuses, it’s over, I’ve seen the cloud.  
Children are a community problem, not simply, a family issue, it’s time you all wised up, in particular those with excessive talent and wealth. I’ve seen the cloud, and I hear many hearts crying, act before it’s too late, God Most High is as real as the stars, and I’ve met the angels, many of them, the time of great change is upon us. Otherwise that picture I have posted, of the man holding the scroll, is a total lie, but being a gambling man, I wouldn’t bet against it if I were you.

When we ease the burden of the old, the ill, mothers and the impoverished, we move the heart of God. Perhaps it’s time we made an effort, and tried to love fully this time, creating a new covenant with God, lets call it love.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

love the violence

Violence, you love it, someone has to, so much of it everywhere, the fashion statement of our times, for the benefit of your children too, How lucky can you get, video computer animation film, or whatever, violence is as catching as porn, were you surfing late last night,
He makes sure to wipe the history clean, what sort of people create such programs, You probably forgot about that, no time to wonder, your mind is stuffed to the gills, hardly have time to eat breakfast I imagine,the number of violent images each child of this earth is exposed to every living day, I’m too busy we’ll talk about it later, the type who calls the therapist in,
Well they are expert witness’s, and they deserve all the support we can give, $100 an hour is a fair going rate,

And there is no end to the problem in sight, apart from the few million who have to endure violence all around them daily, as in Gaza, Syria, and lots of other places, but they are well and truly soaked in it, ignoring the ordinary stuff, just a sidebar I suppose when you add it all up, violence against women mental and physical, it’s been going on for ages, almost eternal. Years ago, we used to be horrified, today it’s a different story, and we wonder why God Most High has been sighted on the sky, probably a spectator waiting for the curtain to come down, I’m sure he’s been entertained for centuries, hope we don’t lose his interest too soon.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Great Example

World of institutions, self promotion and control guided, cover up the principal, habits passed to children,   the treachery they achieve,  welcome to the world dear friends, coffee this morning tastes better, than it has done for years. For decades people tried, , many  their reputations destroyed,  to discourage the wave of truth,  many walked on afraid to intervene, but the stream was strong,  martin luther king and many like him, the example to accompany them.
Under fire the church kept hoping, they being the people of God,  I’ve seen the cloud, many divine events, came face to face with the existence of God, asked my conscience what was going on, found the answers and wisdom , saw the difficulties faced when disasters occurred,  man made to create the emotional flood. God Most High  listens,  you have that power in all that you do, all that, so create  love by birth deed example and sacrifice,  pass on good and great example to all young, they emulate the habits of those around them, the way Martin Luther King, Muhammad Ali and so many before him, well it is christmas time! check out the image, it's one of a sequence, there are many more.

Monday, December 2, 2013

you've been chosen

You’ve Been Chosen

What do you do
you have been chosen,
you still learning
giving it all you can,
trying to explain
the calling of all life
not me God
not the end
of course not,
I do eternal,
it's great stuff,
second life,
do it all again,
 you've been chosen,
 the way you think,
like watching reruns,
we need reminders,
that's why,
you have been chosen.

 the only source of energy that is capable of warming the heart of God, allows the sun to shine for the weather to be sound, it’s silly but it’s always been the answer to our problems, and when you love, you need less for yourself, works every way. 
The deeds the efforts the worthless cases the afterthoughts, the strange decisions you had to make the blind steps, the imaginary friendships you made along the way, how you dealt with all those difficult situations, the help you gave, going up or down sir, always with a smile.B

A child is born and is being formed by those around him, he’s young but is getting used to his new surrounds, understands the difference between soft and hard, his baby ears are still sensitive and are only getting used to noise, he winches at the sharp noise and is always wanting mammy, she’s warn and smelly and she is forever saying soft things to me, now she is dressing me up and taking me to the church, water my God water they are trying to drown me it’s cold too I’m screaming, but once the ceremony it’s odd it’s as if there is new life in me, they all looking oddly at me as if I’ve changed, that’s when you take over cause you’ve been chosen. Life is a git, we have all been chosen, amen

Thursday, November 28, 2013


To the thankful, where do you start, the joy of a great mother, a miraculous escape, the ability to walk unaided, the smile on a friends face, the greeting of a friendly heart, the emotion of a tearful welcome, a merging with another heart, the help from mystic sources, when my head is on a plate, the trust of some great angels, the love that went so many places, the hero’s that light my path, the sacrifice of many over the ages, glad to eat regularly, the sureness of hope that eases worry, to the thanksgiving, great to celebrate near and far, freedom to chose freedom to dream, laughter that’s contagious that wants to last and last, certainty of Love that has no replacement, but just grows and grows, and that’s what I call a fairly normal day, there’s a lot to give thanks to, just don’t forger to include the great One, the Lord God Most High ruler of all ages, amen.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Mothers Do It Better

we live in a universe, we live in a city, we live in the countryside, we live in a time, when changes are a plenty, and Mothers are the secret to our survival, it's not what they do, it's what others won't, they get down on their knees, they constantly clean, forever concerned with welfare ahead, never caught on that small little screen, no need for fantasy they think of the children's needs, not like spoiled men who need their fix, they put up with abandonment all over the earth, and we wonder why women speak up, or often and sometimes over the top, tut tut tut the voices of reputation and all their huff and puff, it's easy to comment when your not on the track, mothers do it best all that is needed, time the men around had the guts to concede it, they f*** up and it's been going on long enough, if we allow women join the golf club they'll be bringing their children next, the rattle tattle of the so called powerful kind, i think all descent people have had enough...mothers do it better, shut up!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Being Honest

It’s never been a better time, how often have you heard that, not often enough, don’t mention it to Edward Snowden, and the slew of others who’ve suffered for it,  to the elite who have been perverting truth and justice for centuries,  God Most High is aware of your plans, they'll fail, your intimidation, you stand accused, your abuse of the vulnerable, the consequences, basically everything you do, there is a manual for what the good people do, it’s written, this is not new, it’s wisdom that is  2000 years old. It might have seem a good idea to put your money on the winning side, robbing pensions, the poor,the derivative fields, the vice industry, the war industry, chemical industry, all you did was speed up the time when God Most High would act, as it is really a numbers game, just as it is in farming. The yield doesn’t add up, you change the crop, well we are all seeds as our birth proves, basically were mere pin drops,  and we didn’t materialise accidentally even if we evolved over time, Richard Darwin, (DAWKINS), intentional misspelling in case your wondering, we are all divine in our nature, spirits with bodies, this can be proved, there is no doubt. Imagine the world, if those who held the purse strings hadn't backed war, in 1914, 1939, Iraq, etc etc, wars were and always will be, avoidable, with rare exception. Wars can’t happen on a large scale without funding from those willing to lending. Without further adieu, it’s a good time to stop the acting, and an even better time to start amending, as God Most High assures us all, and Jesus further clarifies it, and all the prophets that came after him, that it’s never too late to become good, even if others might resent it, it’s the parable of the vineyard. So, stop it, this chronic abuse of people and systems, it’s over, the game is up, the war is won, God Most High is in control of everything, the spin doctoring, the mind games, the coercion of souls, it’s over, don’t condemn yourselves further. If you checked out the image of the man in the sky, you’ll see it’s over. The pain or hurt you cause another single soul will damn you and your associates, the ultimate settler of debts has come to check you out, just don’t bring along another lawyer with you to explain this time, it’s embarrassing and totally without class. Always remember, it’s never too late to be honest, God Most High is mercy unlimited, but the suffering of so many is impossible to ignore, elementary school children even get it, wise up!, nobody has a sense of humour anymore, but they are singing in HEAVEN. Pint of Guinness jack, and, make it two, I’m expecting company, amen. Congratulations to the men of the middle east who managed to assist peace efforts between Iran and the rest of the world, a bright start to a new world outlook, and so many hoped it would never happen, the war mongrels of course, they’d steal the eye out of your head if they could, another Guinness Arthur!.

The games children play, wait till daddy gets home, he’ll sort it out, did I say that right, feck
, I should have employed a script writer.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Smash of the Titans

The war rages on, love is on the ropes, battered and bruised but determined, audience cheers enjoys the smell of blood, hatred and deceit gloats, certain they are going to win, bell rings just in time, love staggers to it’s corner, the devil assumes it wont be long, all underdogs ride the wave as they say, bell goes,
In the corner love regroups, his coach a wise one, just stay on your feet, middle of the ring hatred waits, baiting love to come to it’s fate, pensive and frightened love rises to it’s feet, remembers those words, don’t ever hate, slip side bob and weave bell rings nearly done 
Finish him kill him, they roar out loud, love is desperate, see the way he moves, almost on the floor, but manages to land a score, wobbles a bit, but is soon upright, if I get through this, it will be all right, crunch smash, hatred goes for the kill, fleet footed and renewed, love escapes  those evil blows
Vengeance lust bile and terror, the devil inspires hatred to unknown levels, below the belt, just him for good, you’ll be king, the world will be good, bell goes the determination of hatred shows, throws many punches, ,lands many blows, love renewed handles the flow...
well, i assume you have seen the image of the man in the sky, it's over for the merchants of evil everywhere, and it was the hope of a single child that changed everything, amen

Friday, November 22, 2013

JFK and Dreams

JFK, the list of hero's, award ceremonies, titles, smiles, gala dinners, bling and glee, while my little friend tries to dream, mind still young, impressionable and wondering, no marks for telling it as it is, but when did it matter, well it does now, the world is changing, God Most High is listening, and it's been seen in the skies. so,
Children dream, it’s their reality, and they face an invasion everywhere. Experts ring the tills, more mourning more to pay their bills, anxiety groups use tragedy in order to gain exposure, victims line the streets wondering which direction to head for, meanwhile the pension dilemma occupies minds, better than wondering about the invasion that occupies the little minds, so many with the answers so little ever done, makes you wonder what is going on, it’s not a judgement or a criticism, it’s just that we promise so much yet fail to deliver, and it’s only after a massive tragedy that the bells go off in the head, maybe something divine is happening well if that’s the case, just imagine a child trying to cope with social media growing pains and that’s just the normal stuff, if those clouds appear real and time is of the essence, it’s time to stop the one direction trek, and start listening before there is damn all too late, listen,  well you do tend to wonder when you read stories written along time ago, and they start to come through, be they songs poems scripture or plain writing, listen. Do you want to encourage the use of chemicals or do you want to curb it, it’s that simple.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

still only fifteen

under pressure still ain't fifteen, the mobile phone they gave me is tearing me inside, tweet tweet Facebook email confusion imagery, can’t handle it at all my friends the same,  we are in despair, where did it go wrong, why didn't a single human stand up, the abyss the world is looking into, couldn't get much worse than this..and still only fifteen
Celebrities everywhere profit the most use the technology, to make us all pay it all whatever the cost, yet the world is in crisis and they are helping us to fail, could a child handle pressure like this in the womb, days are different now and people everywhere beginning to see, I suppose I’ll be another statistic like so many of my age, unless something is done very quickly
Technology giants offer me porn and a the gambling addiction, get used to it they warns us but all the counseling will be free, never lasts long those free offers do they, not our fault we didn't put the gun in his hand, planted thoughts that were alien to me inside my head, was hard to access then now that stuff is everywhere, still only fifteen
God are you listening have the you addicted as well, they tweet you we hear what will you say, believe you said and we did my mother my father my brothers,..still wait for your intrusion on the race of the so called human being, if ever there was a time to enter the fray the time is now, please let someone care and assist me..still only fifteen
They gather around the counseling industry opportunities, big money to be made sorting all these young people out, politicians cry tears and promise us a new year even a new gym, my mother sighs her tears silent her hurt kept deep within, my father swears out loud asks God how did it happen again, two days later I’m cold like my life never mattered at all, amen, I’m under pressure and very young, you’re the adults here, do something, ..still only fifteen

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

God is real

Reasons to believe, counted yet, the number of breaths you are given, the body you inherited, the love you are born with, bet the heart hurts occasionally, why you wonder, if your only a machine, well if you’d seen what I have seen, you’d be not so sure, see the image posted, the man in the sky, suppose you passed it onto friends, hardly, your just imagining a fraud, what would they assume, a believer, Jesus had the same problem, your in good company, no it’s the light can’t you see, I was counted with the dead, this day many years ago, I was just growing up, the good lord obviously thought a lot, of the potential, that’s in all of us, something that is too easily  forgotten, hard to contemplate, given the material stuff we are tempted with, as if you can throw it over the shoulder, and bring it along, something the pharaohs tried to do, didn’t go as planned, nor for the slaves buried with them, belief it’s a strange thing, yet we are so tame, when it comes to standing up, apologies excepted for not being serious, I woke up many years ago, twiddled my toes and did it feel great, they assumed I was gone, was given a second life, this blog is my gift of thanks, to the One who saved me, and the prayers of many, could you ever imagine, and believe me, I can imagine better than most, well, I have a damned good imagination, it’s how you use it that counts, amen.  Best dreams in the world, come straight from the heart,

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

heart wise

To be gentle and kind, and you find, the key to the heart inside, when the mystery will explode from you, and love pours out, the same love that pours from the heart of God, it’s inside us all along, too often we block to preserve what we are afraid to loose, it’s not easy, but once you let it flow, it’s healing for the mind and the soul, so don’t let your fears hold you back, let it go and let if flow, just as the great teachers said, a long time ago, amen, and it’s the message of all people, it’s in you so don’t be afraid, love ills love makes you ill, it was always meant to be shared, not a rope around your heart, it’s why they fill your head, preventing you from being at one, man woman child reunion, it’s just a silly love song, it’s where the healing comes from, just imagine it and it can happen, to you me and everyone around us, la la la la la la la la, so put away your troubles today and let it shine, not just where you are, but everywhere, and the dream of John lennon and a host of other great men and women, will become so real, the sky will fill with stars, all night long, how sweet and joyful that will be, just once as the man said, when God will shed a tear, and all hearts radiate in return and in gratitude, for the pure gift we have all been given, amen., sigh, weep a little, let a tear fall from your eye, love is all and it’s all around us, it’s the sponge we call the heart, we just need to squeeze a little more often, but not too much, otherwise like the butterfly or the bee, we’ll make ourselves ill. Be little children waiting for your father to come home, and you’ll see your father again, amen

Monday, November 11, 2013

Being Lucky

Does it matter where you come from, or is it in the rearing as not everyone turns out the same, it’s a question of wisdom, nothing else, so before you remind yourself of every prejudice out there, the Irish and British have got over it as they say, and the one thing they had in common is a common faith that is without prejudice that comforts them, Belief in God Most High and the existence of evil. It’s the rearing of the children that leads to better generations of people, and in a nutshell, the current state of the word is down to the quality of the seeds we reproduce, ourselves basically, we are watering the whiskey for far too long, it’s called the genetic affect and they have proved this in the pharma and medical industries, it’s not a question of who what or where you are from, the colour of the sin, even religion, it’s a question of, if you love or don’t, and the Irish seem to do it well, and having withstood 700 years of freedom fighting, we have practice as they say. So in a nutshell, we pass on our experiences, and why this is so important, is that we can actually improve things, by being aware of the experiences we  pass on, and it’s something great mothers do well, I’m not partisan in any regard, but I know the value of a great mother, and that makes me lucky for being irish.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

One for all or none at all

Time of great change is upon us, warnings are being given, wake your soul up, this is not a cry of despair, put aside your petty indifference, the flaws in your character, the scriptures of old are coming through, great news for those who remain loyal to the teaching of Jesus, and the sovereign promises made to the saint John, in the revelations over two thousand years ago, those who continue to live Babylon style ignoring the light, and the plight of those who live misfortunate lives, certainly face a most horrifying future, and as sure as Heaven is real, I’ve had the dream, and seen many things, posted pictures of the man in the sky, hoping to alert people in advance of catastrophe, sowing the seed of love, the renewal that will save us all, as I do believe a change of heart and a new outlook will allow God Most High to intervene, therefore giving us the time to birth again in faith, as sure as hell is real, and it’s comfort zone as telling as a fire that never goes out.
Down through the ages warnings have been given, and it’s disturbing that despite these alerts, society continued on it’s path to destruction, where the perversion of the masses rolled on regardless of consequence, and since this is a game of numbers, God Most High is all wisdom, it appears that when a number is reached in the annals of the Law written many thousands of years ago, it would trigger a series of events, and that is happening now and has been happening these last few years. Laugh, fall off the chair, roll on the carpet, be careful not to disturb the cat, but this is a battle of the soul.
All gifts are given from the Holy Spirit, it is as simple as that, how we use these talents is our free will, the state of many nations and families suggest, that these gifts have not been used wisely. God Most High is mercy unlimited, let us try to please him and show the love we are born with, let him realise bounty that is in your heart, there will be a new world order, lets hope we get there and create a great new start, amen. Remain loyal to love and steadfast in your faith, love cherish and nurture the love all around you, and glow in the light of the soul.   

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Guitar Man

The love of the world is the heart of God, and when we love, God grows happy.
Sometimes it’s overwhelming, bizarre, but nothing in this world can be more
Pleasing, that feeling, the heart ache, it means your living for all the right reasons,
You feel the pain, you encounter joy, and reach places, that are unforgettable, and feelings that you dream of. Children are the biggest love pools out there, and when they fill with love, they shine, light up, watch the eyes of a happy child and the
Feeling of pure joy, and the tears God sheds, which is sun light. It gets better,
When you stay in the zone of love, God doesn't ignore you, he ensures you
The company of angels, and your progress matters, cause God is all that is divine,
And Love is the only intangible that matters at the end of the day, as you put your
Head on the pillow, never alone even if you’d feel alone, you rest with the angels, and boy does that feel real damn good, try is sometime and prepare to be surprised. I have and it’s out of this world, just don’t forget to clean up as they say.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Lessons in Blessings

I assume people wonder why Things happen, and the reason for the non involvement of God Most High, in the prevention of much that is bad, so much so that God does not exist at all. Fair point, and reasonable, as we are human and doubt is our norm, Thomas the saint, an example.
How to communicate with God is the mother of all issues, and is the point we are aiming at here, and when we wonder about the blessings that God confers on us, how these blessings are passed to us, is what is important, not why.
If you have a computer disc, and it gets scratched, it usually jumps, then it fails, then you throw it out. God Most High communicates through the soul, the shield that protects your heart. The soul is a reflection of the heart. What is in your heart, mirrors the contents of the soul, the solar panel that reflects light. When we act against the will of God, the heart gets dirty, the soul scratches. When we persist in doing wrong, it gets worse and worse, eventually jumps. So when God Most High wants to bless us with something that is good for us, there is no where to put it, it gets lost and is wasted.

You want God to bless you, you have to create time for him, and clean space in your heart, amen.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

God on Earth

The Black Sheep

Loving, nothing is sweeter, the warmth of being, one with love, and the fear that emotion stirs, when you might lose, the way you stir inside, as your heart begins to bleed, the fear of losing your mind, climbing into battle with the worlds demons, and all the strength you need, no doubts allowed, the risks are epic, it’s nature, the outcome a victory, that is blessed, petitions answered from above, God Most High comes to your aid, that is something you can’t mess with, Texas all in power required, no shadows only light, what are you waiting for, jump in and taste the love, that is yours, for love and no other reason,  blessed by God, what can go wrong, brave heart  is waiting for you, no way out this time, come together now, fill my heart, in the battle of life, it’s real it’s divine and it’s all yours, love it to the last drop, once in it’s done, the world will be , cause it’s life giving, you must trust fully, it’s that simple, cross the threshold, you can you handle it, being loved without borders or fear, can you read my words, cause all love is divine, so fear should not be your worry, be hungry not greedy, it’s my breakfast dinner and tea.
Don’t pretend,  In a nutshell, it can hurt badly, and can cost others dearly, you want you to be honest, no holding back, but love is stronger than anything, it’s why we are guarded, love is divine, it’s not a passing fantasy, deeper than any well out there, so I believe, God Most High is your eternal friend, love moves the stars, reaches the heavens,  can’t be redesigned, you just have to believe, and that should be easy, cause your born with a heart that is full of it, it just gets torched along the way, so smile and be brave, you never own it, it’s the gift you pass on, just save a little for me, the story of Mr Bee, just imagine it, there you are a little honey bee, out doing your best collecting some nectar and sweet honey, then you come home and your home had been robbed, what a sad little memory for bee’s, and the flowers that will miss his buzzy company.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

To Love is Divine

Love is the answer to every prayer, we are spirits, wrapped in flesh, and we have been fighting a spiritual war with everlasting consequences, that have huge repercussions for everyone living and who has lived, we are the good wine and the bad, and God Most High is the master of all. But as there is light there is also the dark, and it’s all controlled by us, we human beings, we are the body of God, collectively, poor good bad great or non descript. Soul warriors, we have limitless potential if we can merge into one, do the most extraordinary, and we all come from the sun, the thing that shines in the sky is us. God you see, is the light, and love is the divine gift, we are all born with it, but it rarely is given the time it requires to fully mature. This is not contrary to religions, as God Most High, in his wisdom, hers too, it shouldn’t matter, male or female because God is divine, end of story.
At the other end of the spectrum there is the dark spirit, which controls and uses us, for all sorts of purpose, basically we love we strengthen, we don’t we weaken. It is why none of us can reproduce alone, and the magic is, the more we love the better we make everything, and we give God Most High great praise when we do, and we open ourselves to his great mercy. It is not a case of your better than me, it’s just a case of when we do things in unison, we strengthen the light and retain the trust of the Great one. Because of varied circumstances, and the human condition to be self supporting we forgot about our dependency of our Divine Father and Mother. In a nutshell, when we are cohesive and true, we create a pure joy that is immensely pleasing to all that is divine. Love is the bounty of the Divine master, and we in the flesh, have been gifted this life we all enjoy, which many assume to be a birth rite, this is a gift, gift, it’s not yours or mine, we belong to the light, and to the light we will return, provided we bring some with us, love juice…

Wisdom is great spirit too, God is all purpose, and angelic forms do exist as do angelic forms that are bad and evil purposed, but the great thing to remember, is that Love in the heart is an untouchable source of real light. So those who live in this light, and I have seen it sometimes, when we act in love, we produce a love that is pleasing to the great one .It’s never been a better time to become as loving as possible, as the light energy in strength can overcome the dark and the evil therein. Just imagine it!, it’s just love, too simple almost….

Friday, November 1, 2013

all saints

We all believe in something, usually something insane. Rarely something worth believing in. The latest teen idol if your under 16, the next elvis, the colour scheme in the house, the clothes you wear, says something about us. Is their Christian belief in all of this. It all says something about us. Is their a Christian belief in all of this, or are we missing something, we all have beliefs, God Most High the choice here today, but so many, what is there to believe in, if you’re a starving child with an empty tummy, a voter seeking an honest politician, an  aids sufferer without access to decent affordable health care, My politician is a good one, he knows how to respond to a contribution. The roll call of idols we look up to in our day today affairs is surprising.
There’s an idol for everyone, the TV star, the football player, and the image they create for us, images so carefully crafted by professional advertisers, advertisers who care less about you and me, and only value money.

These same image creators would sell us satan, provided he paid them, I have no doubt they already have, surprised. Today is all saints day, rekindling belief in ourselves and those around us, I call it the day we remember the great people, who in their own way, had led us to this day, directly and indirectly, and the sacrifices they made for all of us. To believe in something and someone greater than yourself, is usually a belief, that comes through ignorance of your own self worth.  

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Making Love

Making Love

We are so into love, remember her name, first time you saw him, that addictive emotion you can’t get rid of, the memories that go with it, the one’s that got away, the regrets, the battles with your emotions, the times your life fell apart, the phone calls to girlfriends in the middle of the night, the panic attacks that left you feeling suicidal, and the guilt you felt, for the times you let them down, and the fear of speaking truth in case you hurt his feelings, and the descent into relationships that were never going to work out, and the long glances into the past, is it not a wonder people close their hearts to the influence of others, it’s fairly obvious, it can be soul destroying, and many play a game, men mostly, women occasionally, their only goal to cause havoc, settling old scores as they say. And we call it making love. Someone somewhere ought to address the issue before the time changes for ever.
The act of creating babies is actually the final act of loving, end of the story. Making love is creating the love we need to survive, a bit much to hear, but it ought sometime be said by somebody somewhere, cause no one seems capable of understanding what love actually is, really, hahahah, spit out the dummy, feel the throat a little, does your stomach churn, yes, love making is caring, that’s what love is, the distance you go for others, not the time you spend on yourself, pretending that you are doing something loving,. Sensual love, is the final act of pure love, but it’s not the beginning, it’s the climax of emotions that are created, that intense feeling that you can never forget, the glow in the heart, that leaves you waiting for more of that same great feeling.
Society, has changed its meaning of love, which it has passed on to children, with dire consequences unless we all change, it’s truly that simple. Women the world over have had to prostitute themselves almost, to gain the love that is due them, and as a result have given up on finding love altogether, almost. There are exceptions here, it’s not all bad news, some rural societies still value the family unit, and these societies will thrive. Sadly for many women, the production of a child is now the single most important objective they have, without a father figure too. Little Bob, or tiny mary, have been put in a very difficult position, as they get used to abnormal rearing, in so far as God Most High is concerned. Children are born this way, with a heart that requires fulfilment, the balance as they say, a love balance, that cannot be substituted,
Perhaps an over worked and exceptionally emotional stressed mother figure can manage to get the job done successfully, but there are so many losers to be seen, with society loosing mostly. But the child will always be asking, who was Daddy, and the reason I am aware of this, is through the relationship I had with a very small friend of mine, he was only one years of age, and he tried on umpteen occasions to utter the word, daddy, but couldn’t. Being his big uncle figure, it tore my heart open, and still does to this very day. He might have been born that way, but he wasn’t born with a full house as they say. Being a pal of the great spirit, I made enquiries, how this situation could be addressed. The answer was clear and direct, no bull, pure honesty. It was a question of change or bust as far as the world was concerned.
So next time, don’t thin your love, be up front with the one you assume to love, and let it grow as they say, amen.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

making love

Making Love

We are so into love, remember her name, first time you saw him, that addictive emotion you can’t get rid of, the memories that go with it, the one’s that got away, the regrets, the battles with your emotions, the times your life fell apart, the phone calls to girlfriends in the middle of the night, the panic attacks that left you feeling suicidal, and the guilt you felt, for the times you let them down, and the fear of speaking truth in case you hurt his feelings, and the descent into relationships that were never going to work out, and the long glances into the past, is it not a wonder people close their hearts to the influence of others, it’s fairly obvious, it can be soul destroying, and many play a game, men mostly, women occasionally, their only goal to cause havoc, settling old scores as they say. And we call it making love. Someone somewhere ought to address the issue before the time changes for ever.
The act of creating babies is actually the final act of loving, end of the story. Making love is creating the love we need to survive, a bit much to hear, but it ought sometime be said by somebody somewhere, cause no one seems capable of understanding what love actually is, really, hahahah, spit out the dummy, feel the throat a little, does your stomach churn, yes, love making is caring, that’s what love is, the distance you go for others, not the time you spend on yourself, pretending that you are doing something loving,. Sensual love, is the final act of pure love, but it’s not the beginning, it’s the climax of emotions that are created, that intense feeling that you can never forget, the glow in the heart, that leaves you waiting for more of that same great feeling.
Society, has changed its meaning of love, which it has passed on to children, with dire consequences unless we all change, it’s truly that simple. Women the world over have had to prostitute themselves almost, to gain the love that is due them, and as a result have given up on finding love altogether, almost. There are exceptions here, it’s not all bad news, some rural societies still value the family unit, and these societies will thrive. Sadly for many women, the production of a child is now the single most important objective they have, without a father figure too. Little Bob, or tiny mary, have been put in a very difficult position, as they get used to abnormal rearing, in so far as God Most High is concerned. Children are born this way, with a heart that requires fulfilment, the balance as they say, a love balance, that cannot be substituted,
Perhaps an over worked and exceptionally emotional stressed mother figure can manage to get the job done successfully, but there are so many losers to be seen, with society loosing mostly. But the child will always be asking, who was Daddy, and the reason I am aware of this, is through the relationship I had with a very small friend of mine, he was only one years of age, and he tried on umpteen occasions to utter the word, daddy, but couldn’t. Being his big uncle figure, it tore my heart open, and still does to this very day. He might have been born that way, but he wasn’t born with a full house as they say. Being a pal of the great spirit, I made enquiries, how this situation could be addressed. The answer was clear and direct, no bull, pure honesty. It was a question of change or bust as far as the world was concerned.
So next time, don’t thin your love, be up front with the one you assume to love, and let it grow as they say, amen.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Inside Wisdom - Part 1

Inside Wisdom

The fun and games are over, the gloves are off, and it’s time to turn up the heat on those that have withheld secrets, mostly for selfish gain and self aggrandisement, and at great cost to the entire human population. This is not a warning, but more of a revelation from wisdom herself. I happen to be a good listener that’s all, a very patient listener, but I requested of wisdom, to help me understand matters, so that others, including myself, might be able to put a spanner in the works as they say, of the wheel of evil that was spinning us all into a frenzy, and bringing us all to the edge of the abyss.
The first realisation that is important, and can’t be stressed enough, is the following.
God Most High, communicates through the heart, it’s the mirror of the soul. What lies in the heart is reflected in the soul. Why this is of such immense importance can never be stressed enough. Whatever your faith or whatever tradition you were reared in, or if you are a go it  alone type, God is always the same, has never changed one iota, his heart is sacred as they say, pure spirit. So what is new in this, well not what is new is not the issue, the question you have to understand, is the ways of the heart, and how they are interfered with. Great intentions of love and doing right, emanate from the heart, and the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. It’s the hard disc of the computer if you want to put it in perspective. And as everyone with any semblance of how a computer performs is only too well aware. When you damage the hard disc, it usually fails to perform as you wish, and more often than not, it will fail under pressure. It is why so many living souls, are afraid of damaging the heart, cause as everyone is aware, the affect of a damaged heart can lead to major hurt, even withdrawal from using it all together, or addiction related activities.
Evil spirit is the expert who pretends to fix your heart, usually with a quick fix or something similar. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


God Most High has heard it all, the excuses, the tricks, the double cross, the triple cross, the myriad if ah’s and oh,s. the omg’s, the lot, the promises, the oaths sworn and discarded, the bribery, the levels of corruption, the sleepers waiting in the grass, but he loves children, so for all the future plans, what is the manifestation of all these good thoughts?, are we seriously going to criminalize children, you over there who hides his fantasies from his wife,  .yes judge, we are aware of your interest in little ones, at least your not a cross dresser, oh. And you there looking over my shoulder , yes, you now, you require so much patience, remember the time you got caught in the woods, and they let you off, well you’ve been under their hold ever since, do I need to go on. The very select audience totally silent, what was just said total reality, they could hardly breathe. Monsignor Murphy, the only one he didn’t refer to, his throat dry, will he go back all those years he thought,

“perhaps william is right, this is a time to forgive, it that what your saying Jim?”

“but he ..”

“but what, you are willing to incur the wrath”enquired another one on the audience...

The five men in the room stopped. They’d forget themselves. Each one trying to dim their thoughts. No longer the local citizens of integrity, their secrets a little deeper, till the prophet came along.

“jim what do you suggest, you being the…”

Monsignor Murphy didn’t have time to finish his sentence.

“you all are here, because you behaved as judges, while hiding your real selves!”

So much confusion reigns, so few good decisions, there are questions, we need enlightenment, fear of love is destroying the world, and fear of wisdom will, so many children going to school, fear in their minds and hearts, pretending all is right, this Is fouling the pathways of the heart, there is no compromise, it’s change or bust, personal interests have to be put aside, this is new or nothing, God Most High is not the bargaining type, he is the responsive type, so, as they, the wisdom of Solomon is required, whatever that turns out to be….

To be continued…………….

Monday, October 21, 2013

Rule for Love - part 1

The Rule of love

Love owns nothing and no one owns love, just imagine it!, you spend your life looking for something you already have. You just have to show it, sounds too easy.
And those that you miss most, those that loved you so much it was impossible to forget. Why has the real legend, the truly great and most wonderful lover of all, never been forgotten, Jesus Christ. His message has endured everything because, it was purely love that was his reason for being, he’d no other purpose in life. He wasn’t a collector of things, he didn’t worry about tomorrow, and believed fully, in the love of his father, God Most High. He believed fully in the father, he was his child. Father’s love their children. Sometimes they over do it, but basically it’s Love that sees us through or the dream of it, that helps us push forward when times don’t seem so good. So when you love today, don’t treat it as something that belongs to you, treat it as a gift worth sharing with others. The more you share it, the more of it you will receive. And the first rule of love, is forgiveness, something we all struggle with. I was reared in a time, when Love was all that mattered, and it was played out that way, everywhere, until TV producers and others chasing the ratings, disturbed it all, and poisoned the minds of people everywhere. A time when a millionaire was an icon and a person of immense talent, a time when billionaires didn’t exist. Now I live in a time when people can’t get enough of anything, where greed has no limits, and lust has no boundaries. It sure has changed as they say. I wonder who were the people who promoted such a society. They did not have Love on the agenda or any form of social responsibility for that matter. They broke the golden rule, the only one God Most High insists we stick to. For to love you cherish it first, share it secondly, and when you put your paw into the bowl of love for more., you don’t grab it all. As someone very wise once said, you leave some for the next person, being polite I suppose and responsible at the same time. Just an opinion!.

Paddypicasso 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

Meeting with Great Spirit

I have not mentioned science once, and those in that field, who spend their entire lives trying to dissuade you from having faith in God Most High. Why are they doing this, who is paying them for this. Why do governments enact legislation that is harmful? Why was God removed from the EU constitution when so many wanted him included., as if humans came up with the great earth we all live in today. The assault on faith has been consistent persistent and rabid.
I have personally encountered the great spirit, and it’s awesome, spectacular, frightening too, rather hard to explain, but many others have had this experience too, and it’s God’s way of giving you a call. The reckoning is on as they say.  Just trust in Him, whatever, blind faith, he’ll send the helper. I can wipe the arguments made by so many who claim to insist he does not exist at all. I made it my reason for being to get to the crux of the issue, and I managed it with wisdom as my guide. I can explain in detail, if necessary, the encounter, there was more than one. All that you need to be aware of, it’s real. If you stay on the trail, you’ll see it for yourself, it is why I stress the need to endure the journey.

Destroying The Evil.

The more you really love, the weaker the evil around you. Love more and it will get out of your way.  Pope Francis is fighting for us. He is cutting down the evil influence that had surrounded the Vatican. Jesus was tempted by evil, warned us about it’s nature. So, we are in the best of company when it comes to support in this area of the trail. If you live in faith, and remind yourself every day of your faith, you will overcome evil. I pray consistently so that I may never become complacent in my faith.

You are most vulnerable, when you assume your not.

At the beginning of time, there were great miracles, and the end of time there will be assortments of great events. As these are happening more often now, the Evil spirit, is  busy trying to do as much damage as it can. By doing good we weaken this evil menace. By doing good we appeal to God Most High. By doing good, we create love. By doing good we reduce the fear of nuclear war. Nobody living, wants to see this world disappear for future generations, nobody should want it to end. I don’t want to stop learning guitar for another forty years.
Lest you forget, God has stated through the prophets, that he has reserved parts of the earth for his own people at the end of this age, I’m not forecasting doom, I’m just a human being with some more dreaming to do, and I don’t want the dream to be cut short by, zealots, extremists or evil doers intent on pushing us to destruction. So, let us get it on.
(Jesus stressed the importance to remember Him when we eat. He understood temptation better than anyone. He could have gone home early, but he chose his father’s plan for him. He also understood the weakness of humans, our need to be communal if we were to overcome).
By consigning evil to the dumpster, by loving unconditionally, we free ourselves to live fully.  This has been determined by God Most High. There will be many years and great times ahead for those who go all in, for all the right reasons. We just have to put the seal of approval on matters, and earn the respect of the great one. To me it’s a total no brainer.
As I said in earlier blogs, when the powers of darkness meet an impenetrable force, it turns on itself, and destroys itself. By being strong in love, and not cheating on love, we can achieve this, thereby appealing to God Most High and his great mercy. I met an old man before the economic crash, a very Godly old man. He came from afar. He asked me some searching questions. In a nutshell, I was led to believe we were being judged from a distance, not of this world, but far beyond. He was not lying. It’s in the eyes as they say. He left me with the impression that the human race could save itself from obscurity by changing it’s ways. Why not try a little harder as they say. Wiping out the negative influences on children is the starting point.  By the way, this old man told me not to worry, just to trust in Him, the one. Let us all trust in Him. Put a smile on the face of the master, be thankful in real time, we are all spirit.

Tips for improving the odds as they say, or ideas to mull over.

  • Forgiveness (can’t forgive can’t fully love, leaves a void)
  • Charity (22 trillion offshore, and we dump food)
  • Who are your neighbours (online world is full of them)
  • Universal Health Care (medicine isn’t business, we made it that way)
  • Marriage (main source of seeds for real love, not the hybrid)
  • Divorce ( active planning for the death of love can’t be an option)
  • Pornography (degrades women children and Love)
  • Single Global currency (no more speculation on other peoples lives)
  • Praying together more often (support)
  • mobile telephony/ children (too much influence)
  • Ban on mobile gambling worldwide ( burn the porn collection in the attic!)
  • There is nothing fundamental about decency, just not fashionable!
  • Parental influence
  • Dream love

In God I trust, that is why I am on the love trail, make it the way!

Amen, only for love and no other reason, and in gratitude for the love shown to me, and the patience of the GREAT ONE, and the patience of those who are pushing love at me. I can’t get enough of it!.

(read the real Celestine prophecies, written by the Pope of that name 800 years ago, it might give you an insight into those times and now, and wonder why he wrote them, but were too busy, well…these are his death bed comments on humanity.)