Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Ageing and wisdom

 Age, the elders, their value, the thought of James, the Holy Book, to whom do you ask when it comes to healing, whom are we asked to approach, the elders and their faith, deep inside, they carry the mature spirit, so we are asked to turn to them for help in healing, is there a lesson in this, what does it mean in times of turbulence and change. The new president of Iran, reaching out, heart talking heart worker, could it not be more pointed, and what Jesus asks of us. A nation in division wants to get its heart returned, the nation that prides itself on its global reputation, the need to make the meaningful changes, and the need to solidify the change, no one is a nation in this worlds struggle to repair the environment, so examine what happens in other places, amen.


Mrs Obama teaches us the value of gardening, getting involved in nature, the loss of species tells us this is a wise investment in time, the bluster of slogans last until; the next slogan is found, the flip flop moment, it could easily have been flip the mushrooms time, whatever the media hangs onto, we imitate and the need to take some divisive words from our personal dictionaries, how inflammatory some words are. There is Abraham in so many of us, why ill treat ourselves and wind up the young minds, and the troubles that brings. 

Thought of the moment, make space inside, and start to think original again. Or is it time to re think our prohibitions, did it ever work, amen. Jesus scorned at times for reaching out, and lets say, its written on the Holy Books, reaching out pleases God, amen.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

State interference in the use of blogs

 The social media circus, the power of news, how we communicate, the effort to curtail divine truth, the consequence of that sort of work, is that what the west criticizes in other parts of the world, the way information can affect the well being of the human mind, the years of non responsibility on the part of those responsible for the well fare of the young, the way the minds are played with, the story of the child who gets involved in serious sites that are vicious in how they corrupt inside, then the witch hunts later, is this the reason there is state interference, or to put it in short words, why was it allowed to continue, the deep need to change the access methods, the electric network is here, how we use it, is now the quest. The family arrangements have changed, and children can easily believe what they see on line, as truth. Is it wrong of them if they have not been educated, and the offenses later, well, the desire that was initiated, who is responsible, amen., There are those who lobbied for zoning online many years before, and while the dark web exists, it is also a pointer to the reality, that adult material of an addictive nature, could easily have been provided for safely in secure places. Point of thought, amen.

The young without guidance or without experience, can be easily lead into dark places. Children are natural explorers. In some countries this problem has been addressed, the risk made clear and known, how we tackle the stuff that is part of our DNA, we like to reproduce, and so we have a natural tendency, what about those with intellectually challenged minds, or those with misdiagnosed conditions, who are placed into company, when special education or patience programs, would have saved them from addictive habits, that can make then hard to control later. Is this the way we want to present our children to God, can we think of better ways. A young girl struggles at home, her mother is short of money, or is addicted, she see's the way to make money online, knows that to do, has seen others do it, what does society do, help the little girl or make her a prisoner later. The book has to stop somewhere, and families need help and guidance. How to zone adult themed activities, sexual mainly, is a problem across the world. Why allow zealots and others deal with it, when zoning from the start, would save so much trauma. Then again, the number of people, mainly women and girls who have had to have difficult relationships on account of their sex, might think otherwise, amen.


Thursday, May 2, 2024

Mental Health and the nations wealth

 The role of social media, the fear of communications, the need to be involved, the instrument that is vital and frightening at times, and the fate of a nation that ignores the warnings, how can it compete in the global economy safely. Do you want unhinged minds making policy decisions for an entire nation, does it mean anything, the policeman of the world tag, when you can't help your own. Do social habits become common because of conspiratorial ideologies and young people loosing their faith in society, have you listened to the speeches of old, we have the material needs but our spiritual needs are forgotten almost, is this from the mind of Leonard Cohen, whose work appeals to all, what do we call it, give it a name, we can protest about it, is this George Orwell in 2024. 

THE hope of many people rise and fall at the thought of the election. The old heat appears, we are them, they are us, its the same argument, and there are the snakes, who jump in with a good sounding idea, and suddenly they are given the access they thought was impossible. Solomon studied a little of our human nature. Minds need freedom of thought; the one who wants to make the changes, checks the other options too, doesn't fear reaching out, its not an infectious disease to have other thoughts. Francis on matters, The Kremlin, The Sultan, the other leaders, they all have to deal with constant threat; will we lose if we do that, will we win, its always a game of barter. What do they do, if they leave the future to those of damaged minds and those who can manipulate them freely, is it time to rethink the way we communicate. One dot can change an address, and dangerous pursuits are in places where few can reach them already, are we pretending to fix issues, knowing we are already doing what we pretend to hate, or is it a simple case of, votes matter most.

Re think the moment, a revered actor, with a conscientious outlook, whose already a favorite with the people, would they fear running for office, knowing they could help set a future for their offspring, by spending four years in the public spotlight. The media, what did you do, why fear them, the young minds seek hope and understanding, surely it should be an easy fix, finding a couple who could do the job, and slip away privately, when the job is complete. Mothers nature, they care all the time, amen.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Taylor Swallow and Barney Dolpin present....

 They meet at the magic isle, two souls in the seeking, space for their talents, they want to say it, but need the comfort of being appreciated, through difficulties, they come and go, time teaches them, lessons, if only we had known, our governments don’t always have the right hearts at work, those that sought power, tried to dismiss our opinions, there was no space for us to go, they find each other, and energize each other, and out of their efforts, a certain rhythm flows. This new beat, call it heavenly rhythm, a truth in other words, attaches to the hearts of others, opening the inside spaces, that many kept closed, for no one could reach them, a bit like the Heart of Jesus, the joy so many felt, ah, someone understands us at last, and its called free will.....

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Peace in our time, Palestine, Ukraine, Famine....


Appeals are made, decision makers aware, the words are peace minded, from whom is the request from, the papal appeal, nonsense says a journalist, that’s surrender, your calling for peace, (they said the same in Northern Ireland before the peace) anyone reasonable assumes peace is a form of retreat, standing back, asking, not the same head space that conflict brings, so do they heed the warnings, while signs from above, confirm, there is a divine interest looking on. The prophet might add; so you think peace is difficulty for you, put yourself before the eternal judge, you’ll soon think very differently, amen, wishing you had made the space for peace to be spoken of. Anyway, they continue their disagreement; one country says to another, this war you are fighting, without our support where would you be then. Your putting peace elsewhere at risk, encouraging whom. Do you want to receive your tab now, or are you prepared to accept your fate. Whom are you taking with you, they want peace, if they say so, they become lepers in their own country, unpatriotic.

Solomon listened, and listened, why, out of respect for peace efforts. So imagine the following, and its not at all distorted or out of the ball park. Everyone will have to face that moment, some will run to it, some will run from it, if they could choose. This is a one way ticket.

A line is drawn, no more of that, could this be Jesus telling the men and boys who are about to throw rocks at the lady caught in the act, to take notice, I assume your not guilty of this crime yourself. They walk away, Jesus offers the words, well don’t be doing this again.

Anyway, there is a man who wants to put up a marker, or monument, for those who will have their lives shortened, by the actions of those who had the ability to stop the arguing Lets say, the man is ambitious, decides to take on, all the regions of conflict. His plan a very simple one. He decides to add the names of those that fall on account of no peace being found, from a certain date. He adds in the cost of the conflicts buildings and rebuilding, salaries, machines, he is doing the full Monty; so this is how you respect the resources of the world, he adds. Every week he issues a report, this is what was lost here, this is the cost of lives, with names of the innocent, underlined. So peace is hard to reach, they nod their heads. He points to the doors. For peace says one door. Each week, the news is brought to the attention of the war planners. Some are weary and privately want peace; to live with their salaries, they do what they are told.

Six months later, peace becomes lasting in places. The old accountant’s sword appears. You could have saved all that, the trauma you caused, this, the hopes of heaven, interfered with potentially, so some will think. If only we had chosen a more peace orientated dialogue, what it would have saved us. Instead, we have all these souls who will be demanding action, at a time when the Holy Spirit rules with authority, what will we do then.

The man goes home, he has said what needs to be said. Its personal, not some far off theory, its quantifiable, more lawyer friendly too.

Francis makes the same appeal. The listening channel is working now. In some places, there has been historic conflicts, that some use to justify further conflict. However, since the signs tally with what’s in the holy writ, thoughts of immortality become widespread, while a techie forgets to pay the electric on the suspended souls corporation, a service that cost a small fortune for a chance at rebirth, the techie however, escaped, leaving an awful stench in the building, amen, instead of that sweet smelling fragrance that’s earthy and sweet to the senses. Should have invested in power stations instead, amen.

To add a climax to the occasion, a big ending say, the man sets a monument in stone, in the seas. AS the toll of the eminently good rises, so does the monument. Think the logistics. Then, with too much time and money to spend, a maritime lover, decides to remake the Titanic, and as scripts go, the monument of rock is unseen, just a tip of it is visible, where is Jack and Gwyneth gone. I will love you for ever… can you play another tune please…

And to reflect; recall the parable told, of Lazarus and Abraham together, enjoying the new life! if only I had known says the man seeking the drop of water. Today we have signs, telling us, amen.

Monday, February 19, 2024

the Presidents office

 An aged affair, the President is wiser, consults people, doesn't use his own opinions, asks for assistance, doesn't assume to have all the answers, has to wait at times, even if there are those who want instant responses, what sort of president would act so rashly, hurried, when your global reputation is at stake. A president must remain clam, must expect criticism, what, waiting, patient. Planning requires long term thinking too, the countries that are living in calm, they had their struggles too. Now though, with the social media playing such a role, where robots can post questions or remarks, its only correct to be patient, Jesus tells us this, for those that listen, amen.

The schemers will plan for opportunities, that's why they are called schemers, they set up situations in the hope of trapping people. Jesus however deals with the Issue, he makes it clear, and sets out to counteract those that scheme against the Holy Spirit. his words of this are harsh.

So the President, he is not jumping into the cockpit of a F16 trying to impress anyone. He knows that they are serious machines, its not something to be cheap on, they have been misused. The President knows the different lobbies, their interests, their efforts to corner him, he knows all that, he knows how they will pounce on every word misused, he knows they know his elderlyness, he is aware, amen.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Virtues for a new President

 Virtue, what is it, clear to communicate, not afraid of the self, aware of human weakness, the need to start again, a clear picture of the reality, a step to the new destiny, time awareness, it doesn't happen instantly, the new affect, the great changes, not overcome by patriotism, able to make good overseas connections, aware of past mistakes, good at explaining and helping make amends, aware of Spirit truth, the threat of social media propaganda, knows how to follow the chains of it, those in the background, and can act when it matters, not from emotion, that's easy to create, and pays respect to those, mistreated by the state, and doesn't fear being found out himself or herself, has the way with the words, and never uses God's word, unless for that purpose, of unity of it, amen.